As a child I loved animals but didn’t communicate consciously with them. I didn’t think I was intuitive or that I could do animal communication, but I always knew how people and animals felt. I learned to communicate intuitively with animals by taking classes and practicing, starting in 1989.
My BS is in Resource Conservation from the University of California at Berkeley, and I have an MS in Biology and Systematic Ecology from San Francisco State University. I worked as an environmental scientist, studied wildlife in the field, rehabilitated ill and injured wildlife. As an academic it was hard to accept it and even harder to believe in animal communication.
Because I didn’t feel I was doing enough to help the animals and the earth, in 1989 I went on a vision quest to seek guidance from the realm of spirit. It became clear during my quest that I was supposed to follow the path of animal communication.
As a result I dedicated myself to that field. I have written four books on animal communication which you can find on most online bookstores. Here is the link to my book titles and my publisher. I now work full-time as an animal communicator, offering consultations for animals worldwide to help solve behavior problems, find lost animals, assist animals during illness and death, and bring people and animals and people and nature closer together. I am a proponent of natural training methods and holistic health care.
My unique training system helps people move quickly through any blocks or barriers. I offer online classes and a Master Program in Animal Communication. The best way to learn is by doing and I have taught thousands of people.
When people do this they go down a path they can’t retrace and start to consider the needs of animals and nature in a new light. This is exactly the change we need to save our planet and ourselves