I have been feeding a real food, organic diet to my animals for years with great results. Many of my clients have also made the switch and been happy with how their animals do. Integrative veterinarians often recommend a real food diet over commercial foods. Dr. Karen Becker is one such vet and she has many videos to help answer your questions and several online guides on feeding real food. Here are a few of her videos to get you started:




And here is video on how to make your own food.


Here is the link for Dr. Becker’s youtube channel.



This is a short version of a longer post on pendulum dowsing that I did a few years back. This version cuts to the chase and assumes you know how to use a pendulum. If that is not the case, go to this link for the full explanation .
You can dowse to shift the energy for anything you want to change in life, for yourself or another or the earth.

Dowsing protocol:
Decide what projects/goals you want to dowse for. Can be more than one at a time. You should only dowse for the positive, not to bring harm to anyone or anything. Dowsing protocol is to ask permission before working to shift something.

Dowsing for Your Project:
Ask Permission – Can I, May I , Should I …..dowse to achieve this project/goal?
Once you have permission to dowse follow these steps: Dowse to remove/neutralize: Get your pendulum circling counter clockwise. Ask the following and for each bullet ask the pendulum to tell you when done by stopping or going to yes:
• Remove negative energy from past (events,, lingering negative energy, ancestral karma,)
• Neutralize any negative beliefs (e.g. victim mentality) or negative feelings (e.g. anger, fear)
• Remove any evil or entities that may be adversely affecting you and your project. Ask that these be treated accordingly and taken to the place they belong where all harm is neutralized.
• Neutralize any curses that may have been put on me and my project and neutralize the spirit of greed.
• Neutralize any geopathic stressors affecting me and my project (including astrological influences, vortices and anything in the electromagnetic field, underground watercourses) (Note – if you are dealing with toxins dowse to have them neutralized)
• Remove all other obstacles to me achieving my project; repel all negative energy and negative people from me and my project.

Now dowse to bring in a positive result: Get your pendulum circling in a clockwise direction. Ask for the following and ask the pendulum to tell you when done for each bullet by stopping or going to yes :

• Turn all that negative energy into love and positive outcomes
• Turn all that negative energy into positive energy
• Bring in only the best energy and people for me and my project(s)
When you finish say thank you for your projects/goals as if they have been accomplished.


My next online Beginning Animal Communication Class starts July 19. It is a two week class and meets the second time on July 26. Session options are 11 am and 6 pm pacific. Sign up on my site and get in touch with me if you have questions.


Please feel free to ask email of call me if you are having an issue with your animal. And I appreciate your referrals to your friends and acquaintances. To learn more about setting up a consultation, visit my site.

Marta’s web site