I put forward a theory in my second book, Beyond Words, that ancient cultures used intuition routinely for communicating with animals and nature, and that a reverence for animals and nature were implicit in ancient cultures. I supported that theory with evidence from research I did into ancient culture, intuition, and the connection to animals and the earth. Part of that research included the work of anthropologist Marija Gimbutas and her colleague, Buffie Johnson. If you have not read Buffie’s book, The Lady of the Beasts, it is a must read. More pictures than text, it shows you the modern take over of ancient earth and nature culture through an examination of the way artifacts changed over many centuries.
In the end, you will be able to clearly see how modern culture and modern religion completely subsumed and negated the earth worshiping cultures of our ancient ancestors. Here is a nice summary of Marija’s work and links to her books: http://www.belili.org/marija/aboutmarija.html
My Beagle would probably do this if I had a piano…LOL
Daily Temperature Reading
This is a great technique to use to help improve communication with partners, friends, relatives and even co workers. It is designed for use in couples but could easily be adapted for use with anyone you want to have a better relationship with. I have found, as an animal communicator, that I have had to collect techniques that can help people change and heal too, because often for the animal to get better the animal’s person has to improve. This is just one of the many ideas I have collected over the years and regularly share with clients. Try it and see how you like it. (from the Pairs.com website)
Before and After
Practice Group
I have a practice group coming up on November 4th, 11 am by skype, and 6 pm by phone, Pacific time. If you have taken a beginning class you can join. If not you can do a beginning session with me before the 4th by phone or skype and then join. I am also teaching an online class that starts Nov 12 on Talking with Horses. A beginning course is required for that class too. Sign up for my classes at my website. http://martawilliams.com/WorkshopSchedule.htm
Holiday Special
Starting at Thanksgiving I will be offering my holiday special rates through Christmas ($60 vs 75 for 30 min). You might consider purchasing a consultation for a friend or relative for a gift, or one or more of my four books. I will send you a gift certificate by email to print and wrap as a present if you like.
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Stay tuned for the next blog, for November: New ways to help the animals and the earth.