I tell my clients and students that they really have no secrets from their animals. It’s no use going into the other room to talk about your animals, or whispering so they can’t hear you, or any other such ploy. Animals are masters at intuitive communication. They can understand everything you say and think as well as any feelings or images you project. So give it up. It’s hopeless to try to lie or hide anything from them. The following stories show that animals hear us, and that they are sentient and highly intelligent.
Author Ann Walker sent in this amazing story about her cat Mr. Mistoffellees.
Here is a story I would like to share with others. Animals DO understand what we say. Most people when I tell them this story look at me as if I am off the planet, but it made such an impression on me I try to get people to understand that we should be careful what we say in their hearing. Nearly a year ago I got very strong feelings that I must go to the local RSPCA pound and look at the cats. I did not want (need) another cat as I already had four but I went and after two hours chose a handsome five month old shorthair smoke and white; he exuded glum depression but made tentative overtures to me. There was a very nice and sensitive volunteer carer with the cats that day, I could see she liked him, she was holding him in her arms when I surprised myself by saying I would like him. She looked both delighted and surprised and said in tones of astonishment, “He is purring!’ then added, ‘Every time I come I talk to him and make a fuss of him but I have never got a purr from him before.” I wondered if he had understood what I had said.
Several weeks later when he was established in my home, a very happy, cheerful outgoing cat, he was sitting across the room in the lounge from me, as I looked at him I could feel the lines of communication were open between us and I asked him “Why were you so grumpy and glum at the Shelter?” The answer shocked me ‘Because they were going to kill me.'”How do you know?” I asked.”I heard two of them talking and they said because noone wanted me they would have to kill me.” A few weeks later I was talking on the phone to the volunteer who had been on duty that day and asked her if she would answer a question truthfully. “Is it possible he could have overheard two people discussing putting him down?’ I asked. There was a long silence on the line, I almost put the phone down fearing she must think she was talking to a madwoman, then she said.” That is so accurate. The day before you came I had gone round with the person who decides which cats and kittens are to be euthanised and she said he must go in the next batch due to be put down. If you had come two days later, she added, ‘he wouldn’t have been here.”
I enclose a photo of him because I think it shows something of his character. He is one of the most intelligent and loving cats I have had in a long life living with cats. He is not a bit glum or gloomy now, quite the reverse. How terrible for him to have understood what was said. How glad I am that I went to the Shelter that day. The staff and volunteers there are forbidden to give any hint to prospective rescuers that an animal is getting to the end of its allotted time there so I had no idea he was so near death. I have written books on animal communication and occasionally take small workshops and help people out with their animals. I tell everybody this story in the hope that they will be careful what they say in front of their animal friends. I think you can see what a strong character he is in the photo also his unusual colouring, his undercoat is silver. I called him after Mistoffellees the magical Mr. Mistoffellees the conjuring cat in CATS by T.S. Elliot. Â
Some of Ann’s books on animal communication are still in print including: Cats Company, Your Talking Pet, and The Mystic Life of Animals. All are published by Capall Bann in England and from their website or through Amazon etc.
This story is about talking to animals by Skype!
I am writing is to share a story about my husband, John and our dog, Mel. John has been away working. He called on Skpe and asked if he could see and talk to Mel so I put Mel on my knee. You could see John’s face clearly on the comuputer screen. John whistled to Mel and said hello. Well with that, dear little Mel pricked up his ears and stared and stared at the screen. Then he tried to get in the computer monitor to see John. He went around it a few times, assessed the situation and then settled back on my knee to hear more. He was so attentive and alert it was incredible. John spoke and told him how well he looked and gave him lots more praise. Mel then relaxed totally as if he knew all about computers and what was happening.                              Yola Cox![]()
Mel listening to John on Skype
Mel going for a ride
I have read two of your books so far, and have used verbal communication with my animals, and it really works. When the animals are doing something the are not supposed to, I simply tell them that its not acceptable behavior and they respond by moving to another area, or actually saying, ” Sorry”. Its amazing, how easy it is to talk to my animals, and have them respond.    Susan Smith
It’s not bad enough with all the garbage going on on this planet but someone has to come up with a hideous new ecological nightmare to foist on us. How’s this one sound to ya?
A company called Hawaiian Oceanic Technology, Inc. is applying for a permit to create a new massive tuna ocean fish farm. They want to use 247 acres of our seas to hold 12 orb-like cages for growing tuna to export. These would be huge, un-tethered, self-powered, underwater spheres crammed with thousands of fish floating off Hawaii’s Kohala coast.
A draft environmental impact statement has been approved that doesn’t address any of the following questions: How much waste will be created and how will it affect the marine environment? Can the cages withstand major storms and what happens if one wanders away from the farm site, since the cages are not tied down and are only one mile from a humpback whale sanctuary? The cages use a new technology to generate their own energy to remain in one place by sucking up sea water from below – how will this affect benthic and pelagic organisms? Caged fish often attract predators, like sharks – how will an increase in sharks – traditionally revered Hawaiian animals - near the farm be handled (some farms have simply killed them!)?
Find out more and get involved in the effort against this project at
Do you or does someone you know have a great story, cool picture or video, or great question? All items for the blog  can be sent to me at marta@martawilliams.com. Please share this blog with anyone or any groups who you think might enjoy it.
best to you, Marta
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We need shelter folk to be more aware in MANY areas, esp. that there is no need to kill, that’s unconscionable, and that there are easy alternatives. SEE Nathan Winograd’s book Redemption! Find out how! Love to all!
Some of my books are still in print. The following:
YOUR TALKING PET And How To Answer Back
All published by CAPALL BANN in England. Available direct from their website or thru Amazon etc.
My horse Dallas overheard my partner and I talking about switching his paddock and putting him in with one of our other horses, Bailey. At the time, Dallas was quite a way from us, but he came over to me and put his head in my hands. Then I heard Dallas say loudly and clearly, “Don’t put me with Bailey.” I was so surprised that he’d been listening even though we weren’t talking to him. Needless to say, he has never been put in a paddock with Bailey!.