One way to understand how intuitive communication works is to analyze the process and the results. Here are a couple of recent cases to illustrate. I talked intuitively with the spirit of a dog who had recently died. One of the things I do in this kind of case is ask the animal to tell me what he or she loved about that life. This dog started talking about all her babies and how much she loved babies. I got the impression that whe loved kids but that she also had a lot of toys and somehow these were her babies too. The client reported back that she did indeed love children and that all her toys and even her bones were litterally called her “babies”. They would say to the dog, “go get your babies”to tell her to get a bone or a toy.
Another thing I ask the spirit of a dead animal is to describe the cause and situation of the death. In a separate recent case, when I asked the spirit of the deceased dog, the word pancreas popped into my head. Then I got a feeling that the dog was not able to eat. This turned out to be accurate – the death was caused by pancreatic disease, and the dog was unable to eat.
In a recent lost animal case I asked the lost puppy which way he went, how far he went,  and what was happening – i.e., what he could see and sense around him. In return I got an image of him going with a man, about fiveblocks away, northwest and then north, being in a wood shingled house near the creek, and being with a family with a little girl. The client went searching and found her puppy in exactly the location and circumstances I described.
The real trick to doing this? Don’t let your brain interfere; go with what you get and stick with it. Will it always be right? No, but if you can perfect that ability you will be right most of the time.
Your Questions
Q – Here’s a question about something that comes up when I do readings I tend to start out with very positive first impressions (whether an animal is really sweet and caring, or strong and protective, or happy-go-lucky and loving life…) and so when I go deeper into the communication – ask more specific questions – this other side of an animal (if it’s there) often comes out. It almost feels as though the animal needs to trust me a little more before talking about the deeper aspects of his/her life. But from what we’ve talked about…don’t animals usually confide in us right away? Or, do they need to go through a bit of a “building trust” with the communicator before letting us know about the deeper things going on in their lives?
( A student)
A – It is quite possible that an animal will take some time to open up just like a person would. I always say pretend like you are talking with a person and expect the same kind of conversation you can/would have with a person. Well, some animals and some people are like this. One caveat: Â there are real species difference, so be careful not to make assumptions based on your experiences. Instead go back to the animal and ask – always the best course.
Three Pug Things:
Pug Head Tilt
Pug Rocket
Gaia Update
Mustangs – there are new torture/kill roundups planned by BLM. Go to this website to keep informed and find out about actions to take. Also there is a hearing in Las Vegas soon, so if you know anyone there get them to attend and lets make a big showing in court – always, for the wild ones.
Even though you can’t see it, radiation from Fukushima is still being emitted and is traveling around the world. It is now worse than Chernobyl, much worse. And we have to add in the burning barrels of plutonium at Los Alamos and the flooded nuke plant in Nebraska. If you are not up on the latest, go to this site for the best ongoing news articles and information.
And go to my past few blogs to get information on how to protect yourself and your animals from radiation. One thing John Hutchison (the brilliant Tesla inspired inventor) recommends is to use rebar antennas to carry the rad protection frequency he is generating around the world. So pass this idea on PLEASE. to read about it, scroll down this page to his March 19 entry.
How cool is nature
Interesting stuff
Where Did The Towers Go? (check out some of the other videos on this site)
The Quake Didn’t Act Like A Quake (this site has great informatin)
Pass this on!