Did You Know…

Did you know…

could you even conceive, that sharks have two wombs, and that their unborn babies swim from one womb to the other to prepare them for their new life of constant motion? See article Did you have any sense that it…

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Dealing With Grief…

I have had a lot of animals in my life. Right now I have 2 horses, 2 dogs, 2 cats and 8 chickens. I have also had a lot of animals die. Each death is hard and it doesn’t really get…

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Time to catch up. A lot has been happening, to say the least! I guess we all decided to be here at this time, but really I never stop asking myself if I really meant to do this. Where I…

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Cleaning the Earth

Cleaning The Earth My dowsing teacher, Raymon Grace, is doing an experiment in cleaning the earth. You can participate by using dowsing, prayer, or intention. It is set up for people to do it at 8 pm their time any…

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Here’s to 2016….

If 2016 is better than 2015, well then hallelujah. If it is worse than 2015, then we are probably all going to be toast. So here is to a much better new year! And to everyone waking up and becoming…

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New Ways to Manifest…

I have discovered a couple of new techniques for how to manifest - methods for bringing about the changes you want to have for yourself and for the world. These two ideas are from a book by Karen Rauch Carter,…

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What the World Needs Now….

When I talk with people about the world we end up concluding that it is so overwhelmingly fubar that conventional solutions won't make a dent in turning things around. We will need new and weird tactics like this invention for…

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What are your thoughts on 2012?

Now that it's here, what do you think 2012 portends? I would love to hear what you think about it, what you have heard, anything and everything. Here are some of the things I have heard that seem, well, reasonable…

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Case in Point

One way to understand how intuitive communication works is to analyze the process and the results. Here are a couple of recent cases to illustrate. I talked intuitively with the spirit of a dog who had recently died. One of the…

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