Happy Holidays

There is still time to take advantage of my holiday specials: 15 $ off on a half hour consult (100 normal, 85 discount) $500 off my Master Program Offers good through end of the year.   Here are some of…

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About that food…

I have been feeding a real food, organic diet to my animals for years with great results. Many of my clients have also made the switch and been happy with how their animals do. Integrative veterinarians often recommend a real…

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Dealing With Grief…

I have had a lot of animals in my life. Right now I have 2 horses, 2 dogs, 2 cats and 8 chickens. I have also had a lot of animals die. Each death is hard and it doesn’t really get…

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The Gender Gap and Animal Communication

Most of my students and clients, and most practitioners of animal communication are women. Why is that? I have been thinking about that question for years. My conclusion is that it is because of the differences in the way boys…

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Cleaning the Earth

Cleaning The Earth My dowsing teacher, Raymon Grace, is doing an experiment in cleaning the earth. You can participate by using dowsing, prayer, or intention. It is set up for people to do it at 8 pm their time any…

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Here’s to 2016….

If 2016 is better than 2015, well then hallelujah. If it is worse than 2015, then we are probably all going to be toast. So here is to a much better new year! And to everyone waking up and becoming…

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Ancient culture and animal communication….

I put forward a theory in my second book, Beyond Words, that ancient cultures used intuition routinely for communicating with animals and nature, and that a reverence for animals and nature were implicit in ancient cultures. I supported that theory…

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Learning Intuitive Communication..

Anyone can learn to communicate intuitively with animals and nature because we are all born with the ability. Along the way to adulthood it gets suppressed by societal taboos. For adults in most cultures today to follow your intuitive hits…

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New Ways to Manifest…

I have discovered a couple of new techniques for how to manifest - methods for bringing about the changes you want to have for yourself and for the world. These two ideas are from a book by Karen Rauch Carter,…

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