Happy Holidays

There is still time to take advantage of my holiday specials: 15 $ off on a half hour consult (100 normal, 85 discount) $500 off my Master Program Offers good through end of the year.   Here are some of…

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Did You Know…

Did you know…

could you even conceive, that sharks have two wombs, and that their unborn babies swim from one womb to the other to prepare them for their new life of constant motion? See article Did you have any sense that it…

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Ancient culture and animal communication….

I put forward a theory in my second book, Beyond Words, that ancient cultures used intuition routinely for communicating with animals and nature, and that a reverence for animals and nature were implicit in ancient cultures. I supported that theory…

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Learning Intuitive Communication..

Anyone can learn to communicate intuitively with animals and nature because we are all born with the ability. Along the way to adulthood it gets suppressed by societal taboos. For adults in most cultures today to follow your intuitive hits…

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New Ways to Manifest…

I have discovered a couple of new techniques for how to manifest - methods for bringing about the changes you want to have for yourself and for the world. These two ideas are from a book by Karen Rauch Carter,…

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It’s been awhile…

since my last post. I got delayed because my dog got injured then I got sick -  we're both better now. So this will be a long post to make up for the hiatus. Hope you enjoy it. If you like…

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Happy Thanksgiving

Here is my favorite Thanksgiving video: A reenactment by children of the pilgrims coming to America. I can't find a way to embed it so you'll have to click through to the link below. My favorite Thanksgiving was going to…

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How To Program Your Intuition

You can program your intuition to retrieve the information you want. I suspect there are myriad ways to do this. The method I am playing with is to program your first impressions. Let me explain what I mean by that.…

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Counseling Animals

One of my professsional mentoring students asked me a question about counseling animals and I thought it would be helpful for you to know what I told her about this issue. She decided to try doing some counseling with a rescue…

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