Did You Know…

Did you know…

could you even conceive, that sharks have two wombs, and that their unborn babies swim from one womb to the other to prepare them for their new life of constant motion? See article Did you have any sense that it…

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Holiday Blog

Holiday Cheer Hope you are having a happy holiday. It is possible to find a bit of beauty and joy! For example, here is a redo of the Drifters version of White Christmas, as channeled by the Navy (weird, but…

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Buffalo Nation

I don't know if you heard, but hundreds of wild buffalo showed up out of nowhere at the water protector action in North Dakota. I say if the buffalo showed up then we probably better show up as well.  …

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Cleaning the Earth

Cleaning The Earth My dowsing teacher, Raymon Grace, is doing an experiment in cleaning the earth. You can participate by using dowsing, prayer, or intention. It is set up for people to do it at 8 pm their time any…

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Here’s to 2016….

If 2016 is better than 2015, well then hallelujah. If it is worse than 2015, then we are probably all going to be toast. So here is to a much better new year! And to everyone waking up and becoming…

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How We View Our Time

How We View Our Time There is so much wrong in the world and it is so horrendous. In the course of working to wake people up to the issue of climate manipulation, I have heard a lot of philosophical…

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New Ways to Manifest…

I have discovered a couple of new techniques for how to manifest - methods for bringing about the changes you want to have for yourself and for the world. These two ideas are from a book by Karen Rauch Carter,…

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