They really do understand

 It is hard to get it that animals really do understand us. It does not mean they will always respond accordingly but if you do the experiments you will get the results that prove to you this is real. Here…

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Never ceases to amaze….

You'd think the glamour might have worn off by now, but I am always amazed when I talk with an animal as if talking with a person and the animal responds in a way that demonstrates complete comprehension. It's pure magic and anyone can…

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When you get stuck

Here are some tips for getting unstuck if you are doing an intuitive communication with an animal and getting nowhere. Ask the animal why you aren't getting anything and find out if the animal has some issue that needs to be…

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What Now???? 2012

One of the reasons I got into anmal communication was becasue of the Hopi Prophecies, or I should say the written interpretation of same. The way I understand it, the Hopi drawings show two roads for our time (which is called…

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