Did you know…
could you even conceive, that sharks have two wombs, and that their unborn babies swim from one womb to the other to prepare them for their new life of constant motion? See article Did you have any sense that it…
could you even conceive, that sharks have two wombs, and that their unborn babies swim from one womb to the other to prepare them for their new life of constant motion? See article Did you have any sense that it…
The earth is getting more toxic. To keep yourself and your animals healthy, you need to be aware of what the health threats are, and head them off as best you can. Some of the main concerns are radiation from…
Anyone can learn to communicate intuitively with animals and nature because we are all born with the ability. Along the way to adulthood it gets suppressed by societal taboos. For adults in most cultures today to follow your intuitive hits…
I have discovered a couple of new techniques for how to manifest - methods for bringing about the changes you want to have for yourself and for the world. These two ideas are from a book by Karen Rauch Carter,…
at least not the poisonous ones... but now that they are, by and large, gone, I'm sorry I didn't appreciate them more. There are way fewer ants too, and moths, and bees, ground squirrels, and songbirds - all of which…
When I talk with people about the world we end up concluding that it is so overwhelmingly fubar that conventional solutions won't make a dent in turning things around. We will need new and weird tactics like this invention for…
When you have talked intuitively with an animal and you are checking the information you got from the animal with the animal's person, how do you explain and deal with it when the person says you got something wrong? Good…
I don't think there is a best method, there are so many useful techniques it would be hard to choose the best. I had good results from Access Energy Healing, which helped me stopped smoking years ago. But the founder…
Animal Communicators are on a par with psychic readers. No matter how much some people in the former group might want to disengage from the entirety of the latter group, doing animal communication is ESP, telepathy, 6th sense, or, in…