I have had a lot of animals in my life. Right now I have 2 horses, 2 dogs, 2 cats and 8 chickens. I have also had a lot of animals die. Each death is hard and it doesn’t really get easier. The fact that nature is daily being assaulted and wild animals are being wiped out is also incredibly hard to handle. I am one of those people who can’t ignore reality. So instead I seek ways to address all this.
Grieving the Earth
My favorite author on the subject of dealing with grief and the devastation of nature is Joanna Macy. She says we have to feel and recognize our grief for the earth, for how else will we find the passion to change what is happening? Her advice is to work with others and to share your feelings of grief. She advises to work together on a common project to redress what is wrong.
… this is the time …. to reach and expand into our full humanity, and in that humanity will be our anger and outrage, our imagination, our creativity, our laughter. We are going to come alive now, ….. I call that The Great Turning.
I have taken her advice and am working on a variety of projects for animals and to help the earth. It does make a difference

Voices of 2011 Yuri Shimojo
What’s the Fuss?
The mainstream media is hiding the truth about what is happening to life on earth. Most of us are unaware of the magnitude of what is wrong. Dane Wigginton does a state of the earth podcast each week and covers the most critical things that are occurring. He does his research and what he says, I believe, is the bottom line.
Grieving an Animal You Loved
One thing I have found particularly useful when you lose an animal is to talk to the spirit of the animal out loud and ask them to help you and show you they are near. This article is focused on losing an animal you love.
You’re Not Crazy You’re Mourning, Grisha Stewart
Here are Stewart’s 7 principles of mourning:
- Principle One: You cannot fix or cure grief.
- Principle Two: There is no one right way to grieve.
- Principle Three: There is no universal timetable for the grief journey.
- Principle Four: Every loss is a multiple loss.
- Principle Five: Change=Loss=Grief.
- Principle Six: We grieve old loss while grieving new loss.
- Principle Seven: We grieve when a loss has occurred or is threatened
To read the whole article by Stewart go here
In the Body of the World
If you live in New York, I would plan on seeing this. Eve Ensler is the bomb. It ends March 25. Hopefully she will take it on the road.
If you have some favorite authors on this subject please share in the comments.
Week Long Intensive
Do you want to fast track your path in learning Animal Communication? Then come take my week long intensive course. I will teach you all the classes I offer in one week. April 27 – May 1, at my new farm in Northern California. You can retake the intensive for half price if you have already taken it. I would love to see you again!
Sign up on the website or contact me for more information.
Tips from Marta – Talking to Your Own Animals
Talking with your own animals can be challenging because whatever you receive back as a message can feel like you made it up, or already knew it. So it is hard to verify information from your own animals. That is why I recommend just talking to your animals out loud, sending them a positive message, like a compliment (again talking out loud) and then asking if they have a message. Whatever then pops into your head – idea, phrase, feeling, picture – accept it as a message from your animal and write it in a notebook where you record your results. The main goal of talking with your own animals is to get the experience of exchanging information back and forth. Don’t worry about the content, just focus on the process.
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Thanks, Marta!!