It can be really hard to find the best way to help your animals when they are sick or dying. Sometimes regular veterinary techniques are really helpful, and other times they are part of the problem not the solution. Over the years I have learned by trial and error that going holistic gives the best results. But that knowledge did not come without a lot of failure: two dogs I could not save from cancer, a horse with lipomas I had no idea how to deal with, and a horse with a neck injury I didn’t recognize as potentially fatal. In each of these cases I felt incredibly guilty for not seeing the problem sooner and not knowing what to do do help, to save. Finally, I had to realize that we can only do the best we can do; sometimes you have to learn the hard way, and feeling guilty is only useful in so far as it keeps you from making the same mistake again. After that point, just drop it. Your animals don’t want you to feel guilty. And once they are dead, they are not sitting around as spirits going over and over all the bad things that happened and all the errors you made; they move on, just as we need to move on. Don’t forget the lessons learned but don’t relive the pain. There is no point in that; we were all just doing the best we could do at the time.
Speaking of Cancer
Here are some ideas I have picked up from the Internet on things to do for cancer that might help wont hurt. Personally I would not do chemo or radiation for myself or for my animals. The first thing to do is go holistic which means to get them on an organic real food diet and get them off all toxins that might challenge the immune system, including all pesticide based worming and flea or tick controls.Make sure not to feed anything with sugar or processed carbohydrates, as this feeds cancer. So only whole organic food treats as well.
One site recommend to give a little cooked asparagus once a day mixed in wet food
You can give chloroxygen, about a half dropper each meal – I get this at the health food store, it has chlorophyll and oxygen in it, both supposed to be good for cancer
Cell Food is supposed to help – Iget it from the health food store and do a few drops of that
Do a detox daily – can do Zeolite or betonite clay… get at health food store, mix about tsp or ½ tsp in with food
Use Stem Pet – I order this from my animal chiropractors site
Vitamin D is supposed to be anti cancer
Alkalinizing is supposed to inhibit cancer
You might want to do cell forte –
Kelp helps boost thyroid
Use products to boost the immune system – here are a couple
(note they have cat formulas too)
What have you found that helps for cancer?
It’s The Pits
Pitbulls have been in the news a lot lately, being put down for just being pits with no chance of reprieve. The only good aspect may be that the issue has galvanized millions and we may eventually see dogs evaluated based on their behavior not on their breed.
Finally a happy pitbull story
Upcoming Classes
Practice Group – Tuesday Aug 2nd. Three possible sessions (pacific time) 11 am by skype, 5 pm by phone, 8 pm by phone. A Beginning Animal Communication Course is required. If you have not had that we can do a half hour tutor session and you can take the practice group or any of my teleclasses.
Talking with Nature – Starts Aug 15 and goes for three weeks, Aug 22 and 29, for one hour each week. Two possible sessions: 11 am by skype or 8 pm by phone
In person Classes
One Week Intensive in Animal Communication. Aug 20 – 25. In this week long course, held at my ranch in California, I teach you everything I know. This course can prepare you to practice Animal Communication, if that is your goal. I have reserved a nearby retreat facility for lodging for participants. There is still room in this course if you or someone you know might be interested. please pass on the information. thanks.
Weekend Workshop in Vermont – Sept 22 and 23. I will be teaching the Beginning, Intermediate Animal Communication, Animals as Teachers and Healers and Intuitive Animal Training.
Get in touch with me if you are interested in any of these classes or have questions. You can sign up for them on my schedule/registration page.
And please tell any friends or groups who you think may be interested. Thanks!
I am not letting my cat Miles see this…LOL
Gaia Update
People are really waking up all over the planet. Some examples:
This is long but worth every second…
And check this out – Protests in Japan
And this – Anti Fracking protests
And this – Restoration in Haiti
And ongoing Occupy Everything…
It’s pretty clear that we have to think out of the box and act out of the box.. i.e., everything has to change. What’s really cool is that that is happening … all over the world.
To Us!… the 99%.
Please share if you like this blog, thanks
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Thanks, Marta. I needed to read this today, as our cat is failing from severe arthritis. I guess a lot of other people second guess themselves when it comes to caring for elderly or dying animals. Thanks for the reminder.
The frying dutchman video was amazing. Absolutely amazing, the bravery and passion, and yes everyone needs to hear it, and spread this video to all their friends. Truly informing and inspiring. The change this world needs right now.
my cat Grason died of stomach cancer in nov.2009. he was diagnosed in aug. i gave him a homeopthic remedy which helped.. by putting it on a q- tip and he smelled it. once each 15 min. for an hour. i have to ask my friend who thot of thid for the name. this way he did not have to get a dropper of anything in his mouth, and sniffing it did make him feel better.wendy 10-19-12