From everything I have read so far, the best way to deal with the threat of the virus on a personal level is to be super healthy. A healthy immune system can fight it off. Below I am giving you the short version of many of the things I have found out and then the links if you want to read in depth. Please add what you have found in the comments section, i know a lot of people are doing research on this.
It started in December in Maryland at a bioweapons lab that uses/tortures bats and other animals to make their evil weapons – hence the bat DNA that showed up in the virus. Four guys from that lab, Ft. Detrick, went to China and stayed in a hotel near the Wuhan market. People at the hotel and the market got sick.
The virus is engineered and there may be more than one strain –
Bats are taking the hit , along with anyone with Chinese heritage

Bats are also in danger from excess heat conditions like in Au, and from overgrowth of fungus in their environments.
Well… no one knows if the release from the lab was accidental or on purpose. If it was on purpose, then why? well what could come of this? Destroy populations and economies, or hide the economic crash, or install marshal law? It doesn’t look good. Maybe it is all to cover them putting up deadly 5 G everywhere which kills everything. And so we are back around the circle.
5 G is NO BUENO – https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2019/05/11/5g-apocalypse.aspx
More from Dane Wiggington on the reasons for the virus /possibly to push vaccines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrOXLymc8j8&feature=youtu.be
Strike – We need a general strike around the world , workers, progressive groups and leaders, union members to demand a complete change in our world. I am posting regularly in my personal facebook page about this, so if you want you can friend me and follow. https://www.facebook.com/MartaWilliamsCA
- Wear a Mask – now they are saying to stay at least 27 feet away from others https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUm1IQhHnQk&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR3e880hXZCT5v856sPuoJ0g60G-2NoTPvlOBrmBxg9kksJys4_Ae-4EZAY
- Disinfect whenever you go out – I use soapy water with grapefruit seed extract and spray the bottom of my shoes, inside car etc, also decon groceries or anything you bring back
- Gargle with salt water daily
- Take vitamins and extra c and zinc
- Make some thieves oil and use whenever out and about – https://www.theresaneoforthat.com/make-four-thieves-oil/
I am taking a 1/4 tsp of baking soda a day to alkalinize (i read that helps with the virus) and I have some chinese herbs, Clean Air by Plum Flower, that works to clear lungs. Also drinking lemon water.
Here is a great blog by Dr Elliot on how to be stay healthy from flu
and more detail on the virus specifically
Take Vitamin C
Take more vit c – see Dr Elliot above and this https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/03/29/andrew-saul-vitamin-c.aspx
Posture for draining lungs https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10157207443918224&set=a.47715263223&type=3&theater
This Dr says he has the cure – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfXVce34A78&fbclid=IwAR2gtAE-s8x7r7kbt2huzEcynV5gwoLiD7s-HrRSZcnF8HWn_URodAKI9ww
I believe that people who are taking medications are more at risk. If possible, find the natural alternatives for any meds you are taking, work with a holistic doctor if you can find one.
AND – eat only organic, take the above recommended vitamins and supplements, don’t eat sugar, and exercise. Here is what Dr Mercola recommends https://blogs.mercola.com/sites/vitalvotes/archive/2020/03/07/your-first-line-of-defense-against-coronavirus-and-other-pathogens.aspx
Make your own infra red sauna –
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Well, I have worked at Amazon for almost 3 years in Newark at one of their largest facilities on the west coast. No striking at all. Just a bunch of hard working employees. I add am in the parking lot now typing this. It is by far one of the best companies I have ever worked for. Great pay and benefits and supportive co workers and no college degree needed. Lots if room for mobility every where. Great place!!
Hi Marta, thank you for this valuable information!
I hope you are doing well and keeping safe.
Kind Regards,