I got an email from a woman who said she’d been skeptical about how all this works, but was becoming convinced of the accuracy when working with living animals. She could not understand, however, how one could prove an intuitive connection with an animal that had died. Great question! I believe that intuitive communication is connecting with the spirit of an animal. I also believe that you can contact the spirit whether the animal is alive or dead. This goes for people too, I regularly connect with the spirit of people who have died, and lots, maybe most of us do. I also connect with the spirit of trees and places that have been destroyed…. their spirits still live on. So that is the theorectical basis for being able to connect with an animal who has died, but that really proves nothing. To prove you have contacted that animal you can do the same thing you would do with a living animal: ask verifiable questions. Here are some that I ask:

  • What did you love about that life?
  • Tell me about your personality, what is unusual about you?
  • What did you do with your person?
  • How was your death, what happened?
  • What do you want me to tell your person?

When you get verifiable data from the spirit of the animal, it is convincing to you and the animal’s person that you are really connecting with that animal. What are some other questions one might ask of a an animal that has passed to get verfiable information?

Lots of Great Stories

Check the comments from the last blog: People sent in great stories about how animal communication really works. Speaking of stories I am beginning work on a new book and looking for stories to include. It is with a Dutch publisher so it will be in Dutch first then later in other languages including English. Specifically I’m looking for stories about how your animal mirrored you in some way, and acted as a teacher (whether negative or positive) and catalyst in your life. If your story is selected we will need a photo and also have you sign a release. Send stories to my email at



Funny Cat Video

 This video shows a cat drinking from a faucet of running water and the caption says cat fails at drinking frm faucet. I don’t think so at all. This is just one of those rare wonderful cats who loves water! Have you ever had one of those? My water loving cat used to come in the bath tub, sit on my stomach, and splash in the water. Dear Marmalade… I will never forget him. He also used to jump from the ground right up to your neck,  put his arms around your neck, and give you a kiss.  He was big and looked a bit like an orange cougar. One in a million.


Practice with Norman

Want some more practice? I’ve had Norman about three months now and have discovered some new things about his personality and habits.


Norman, Beagle mix, 3

Norman, Beagle mix, 3

Ask Norman to describe personality and any new aspects that he’s exhibited lately. Also ask him to tell you anything he can about how he likes to show affection, how he and my other dog, Bear, play, and what his sleeping habits are. You can also ask him what is new in our lives this month.. I will tell you next blog what I know and have observed,  so you can check what you get.



  New Book by Tolle

If you like Eckhart Tole’s books, he has done a new one in collaboration with cartoonist Patrick McDonnell, the creator of Mutts. It is a departure from Tolle’s other books, with sayings from Tolle and illustrative cartoons from McDonnell.

Check it out at New World Library’s site  www.newworldlibrary.com

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Phyllis

    The video: cat can’t figure out drinking water. It is soooo cute. I think he/she definitely needs a rainhat.

  2. Phyllis

    Norman. My connection with Norman came really quick almost immediately. He is eager to communicate. The first two words were “old soul”. I see he is 3 but is truly an old soul. He has a “right in there” personality. Excited. Happy. Curious. Loves attention. He’s not really sure what is meant by new aspects he’s exhibiting lately, whether personality-wise or skill -wise. He has learned to fetch, something to do with water too not sure but it’s not swimming. He kind of feels like he is your helper especially with the other animals. He will wag his tail to show affection as well as nudge with his nose & lick your face. Tennis ball-Do Bear & Norman play with a ball like a tennis ball that bounces high. Sleeping habits-blanket & toy. New in your lives this month- I got grandchild. Oh yeah, Norman can catch a ball in his mouth.

  3. Paulinka

    i also had an immediate connecton with Norman. he is a happy-go-lucky guy, a kind of busy body, he likes everybody.
    He likes standing up against people and licking them.
    He plays with Bear by biting his tail and Bear will chase him. Norman will also steal Bear’s toys and Bear will chase him.
    Norman takes naps on a chair upsidedown and collects his toy(s) and a blanket on his dogbed, a square pillow bed, close to the corner of the bedroom, before going to sleep.
    Something about a new? white bunny rabbit ?
    Can’t wait to hear how much of this true. i am still in the beginner stages of animal communication.

  4. marion

    hi marta,
    my impression of Norman: very vivid character, very playful and proud of what he is doing.
    loves to run after/chase the other dog (Bear?), but likes also to relax by stretching out his four legs on a cool natural surface (pebbles, sand). considers long walks as really boring.
    loves a lot to jump into puddles (doesn´t mind to get dirty), tries to catch his tail, does anything to get attention e.g. by standing on his hind feet or just doing nonsense. can change his mood all of a sudden, destroys toys aggressivly by biting, chewing and dragging them around.
    What´s new in your life? A horse? At least I got the feeling that he wants to play with a white one, provokes him and is wondering why he does not react at all.
    He probabely has good relationships with cats, licking their face.
    Is there a sligth trauma that has settled in the area of the upper lungs and stomach due to the fact that someone once had caught him and pressed him to the ground and he could´t escape though he tried? An does he have some tension in his lower hind legs?
    Well, thats what I felt. I am curious how you descibe him! Please say hello to Norman and to all the other animals! all the best for you

  5. Anne Winning

    Hi Marta
    I had a go with Norman. You said to write down everythign that pops into our head so here goes. I’d love to hear if I get anything right.
    I got that Norman is now displaying confidence, cheekiness, playfulness and self-assurance. He feels he is in his rightful place, so there’s a certain amount of regalness that he feels, coming from entitlement! I got that his way of displaying affection is jumping up and licking, and/or putting a paw on or around you.
    I got that they play boisterously with a lot of activity.
    And, in keeping with your instrutions to go with whatever first comes to us, I got that there is a new man in your lives!

    I look forward to finding out if any of this is on the mark!

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