Hope you are having a happy holiday. Here are my favorite holiday youtubes. There are three oldies but goodies; worth seeing again for sure. And then the latest talking animals song at the end. My new year’s wish is that our world will turn the corner toward sanity, health, sustainability, and compassion for all. And I will keep doing all I can to help this come about. Best wishes to you for the new year.

12 Days by Straight No Chaser

Listen to their other youtubes…amazing


Rocking Around the Xmas Tree

I’m Dreaming….

Here’s the NEW One!!!!!

Animals of YouTube Sing Jingle Bells

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Gonny

    In holland you can see the doggy’s christmas surprise under,

    I am not allowed to look under the american link in my country

  2. cynthia burke

    Thanks Marta…boyoboy, this silly stuff brought tears to my yes!
    Now to forward it!! Love, and I wish you every happiness now and in the new year!!

  3. Susan Mines

    Hi Marta, Loved every one of the YouTube presentations. Should be wrapping last minute presents, baking one more batch of cookies, etc. but am so glad I took a break. Many thanks for sending those along.

    Love, Susan

  4. Marianne

    Happy Christmas Marta – you are an inspiration – thanks for all your hard work and committment xx

  5. Didembourg

    Merci pour les bons voeux et essayons quoi qu’il en soit d’être ouvert à tous… d’être plus à l’écoute de tout un chacun et de nos animaux.

  6. Joan Christie

    Thanks Marta once again for the wonderful videos of Xmas cheer by our dear pals.
    Your work for the restoration of our amazing planet and its species hopefully will also restore compassion into the human spirit,
    Hope you have a well deserved holiday and a great year ahead.
    Joan Christie from far away Aussie land.

  7. nathalie

    superbes videos martha!!!!!joyeuses fetes a vous!!!!!!!pouvez vous me contacter,je vous ai envoye un mail!bonne journee!

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