I just switched my blog over to a different server and a blog post went out automatically that said Hello World and then had an error message….. sorry bout that!
While I have your attention, I forgot to include the following information in the last blog, so perfect time to do it:
Transition the World
There is a movement internationally to create a culture that will be able to withstand the transitions that are coming in terms of the big oil crash and the need for self sufficiency. The groups are oriented toward making each local area, town or county, sustainable and able to withstand the pressures which are coming to bear upon us. I actually have one in my puny little county. Search for your area, you may be surprised to find something near you. Here is the website of the founder in UK and some general info about the transition movement.
Once on the page go to the words that say, “Click on the map to find activities near you.” That will take you to a finder where you can put in your zip and your country and find a transition group near you.
Start the Day Out Right…
with skateboarding bulldogs…. LOL. What is it about bulldogs and skateboards?
Teleclasses for March Reminder:
Tues March 6 Practice Group
Wed March 14, 21 and 28 – Advanced Animal Communication
Tues March 20 and 27 – Working with Your Inner Counselor
One More Funny…..we need it!
Please share if you like my blog… still trying to figure out how to do the share buttons … anyone know?