If 2016 is better than 2015, well then hallelujah. If it is worse than 2015, then we are probably all going to be toast. So here is to a much better new year! And to everyone waking up and becoming an activist.


Waking Up

The signs are there that people are waking up to all the lies and deceptions that have been foisted on us, and that people are realizing the power we have that is yet untapped. Dog trainer, Victoria Stillwell, wrote an interesting article about a new approach to dog training. Here is the link to the article, titled No Cue November

You really need to read it to believe it, but essentially her training group is saying, just talk to your dogs! When I first read it I was ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing). This is exactly the approach I advocate in my book, Ask Your Animal, and I recommend it because it works far better than barking commands.

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Here is an excerpt from Stillwell’s article:

We began by throwing out all traditional cue/reward scenarios. The new protocol: all cues must be given in complete, open ended, sentences. For example: “Sit” was replaced with “Would you like to sit down?” “Let’s go” was replaced with “Would you like to walk to _________ with me?” “Tug” was replaced with “Would you like to tug on this?” Each of the new cues was followed by showing the dog a few times and encouraging mimicking. The brilliance of this concept is that if the dog fails to perform, it’s completely acceptable. If you asked a question, no is a completely acceptable answer. We also stopped worrying so much about rewards. Food, play, praise, and social interaction were all freely given without much thought of the traditional behaviorism reinforcement system. We just didn’t worry much about accidental reinforcement or reinforcing undesirable behaviors. You know what? It worked! Not only did it work, but we also discovered some pretty amazing things that happened.

Not only do I advocate this same approach: talking out loud to your animal – because your animal will understand – I also advocate giving verbal human-level praise as the reward instead of treats: Rupert that was brilliant! I knew you could do it! I am so impressed. Animals love that kind of thing, just as much as we do. Who would have thought that Victoria Stillwell would be coming out with this!

There are a lot of signs of hope: people are realizing that geoengineering is real and asking about it rather than scoffing. Many more people are getting active to help save people, animals and the earth. There are so many energy healing groups for the planet you could not count them. These are the kinds of things that give me hope for the future.

And remember anything is possible…

Manifesting for 2016

Here is a great daily visualization exercise to do. You can substitute whatever you want for the lover part…like we save the earth, for example.

Last Two Days of the Holiday Special

Get in on the last two days to get in on my holiday special rate. The discounted rate offer is good through Jan 1. Buy a session now, book it for later. Get $15 off my regular fee for a half hour reading, so pay $60 vs. $75. Purchase a gift for a friend or a reading for your animal or for yourself, or schedule a half hour session with me to take a guided shamanic journey to meet your animal guide. You can also get my expert help in a tutoring session to boost your animal communication skills. Have a happy holiday!

Beginning Classes Offered Jan and Feb 2016

I have two online beginning level classes coming up the first of this year:

Jan 12 and 19 – Beginning Animal Communication

Jan 21 and 28 – Talking with Your Own Animals (prereq. Beginning)

Sign up on my website and tell any friends or groups who might be interested. I offer these online about twice a year. The online option includes a call in or video. Each class also has two session options, 11 am or 6 pm pacific time. And in between each class you have homework to do, but fun homework.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Desiree

    Thank you for all your great work! I look forward to another online course in 2016!

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