Get that question a lot! The answer is:Â You know it’s real if you can prove it. So if you get something intuitively, I don’t care how much you think you are right, the only way to know you are right is if you can prove it. This becomes a serious issue when people start doing thing like locating lost animals intuitively. I have heard stories of communicators telling people everything from, “Your animal is dead,” when it turned out to be alive, to, “Your animal ran away because he doesn’t like you and he is with someone else now having fun”, when the dog was found lost in a nearby forest. I could go on. The point is, it is a mistake to represent intuitive information as accurate and real unless it turns out to be. Doing so can cause real hardships. I just talked to a woman who was told a whole wild story about a missing cat and then when nothing was turning up the communicator told her that the cat didn’t want to talk anymore. Give me a break. That is just sloppy. Kind of like what Fox News tries to pass off as fair and unbiased reporting.
Where this gets particulary sticky is when dealing with the almost completely unverifiable realm of reincarnation. There may be some markers, like a unique behavior, that could tend to indicate an animal has returned to you in another body, but basically there is no way to verify anything regarding an animal once it dies. See my book Beyond Words for some cool stories about people having uncanny experiences with animals that suggested the animal had returned.
Note though that I used the word suggested; I didn’t say proved. Understandably, people want to believe in reincarnation and want to think their animal will return. But I have heard of communicators who get very specific about the when and where and what, often sending clients on a wild goose chase. One communicator after sending the client on an elaborate and fruitless pursuit told the woman that her dog had decided not to come in after all because the woman was so obsessed. Oh yes? And how would a communicator ever know that? And who made the woman obsessed? Really if it weren’t so unethical and pathetic it would be funny.
So here is what I say… If you want your animal to come back to you then talk out loud to her spirit and tell her that you would love her to come back. You can specify as what, when and etc. Then ask her and the universe to make that happen and to make sure you hook up and to make it really obvious to you so you will get it. Then let it go. If it is to happen it will. You can’t control spirit,  and reincarnation is spirit with a capital S! If I ever do get something specific like an image of the animal coming back in the summer time as a grey cat with a white dot on her head, I will tell my client to file that in a mental filing cabinet and just pay attention. If a grey cat with a white dot pops up then pay attention, but don’t go out looking for that or get obsessed. I may or may not be right. That is really the only way to deal with intuitive information. Sit with it and see if it turns out to be right, but don’t blindly believe someone else’s intuitive impressions.
Book Recommendation
The new book Animal Factory by David Kirby looks good. Here is the link, check it out.
Dont Do This at Home!
This is kind of a silly video, but cute. If you read the comments people speculate that the cat is declawed… don’t think so. Try again. Claws and teeth on a cat work in tandem. If they claw hard they bite hard and vice versa. Don’t we cat people know this in our bones. And this cat certainly isn’t deteethed. Ever had a cat bite your head? If this cat wanted to do damage …. damage there would be. So I have to say what an adorable perfect kitty. OMG. Kid is pretty cute too…. And this cat is one in a million. Most cats couldn’t even conceive of having that kind of restraint. This is a golden retriever; not a cat. And this is not something to try at home.
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Have been dealing with that issue of a return just recently myself. I told myself not to take it too seriously even those there were so many familiar things in a new kitten when the familiar had left 12/08 and this came in 9/09…then a friend showed up who knew the old familiar and looked at kitten under the bed first time – and immediately said, “Oh, wow! That’s him! He’s back!! Different body style, but he’s looking out those eyes!!” So possibly I was right? LOL
Recently talked to a cat who told me he was with the lady before. And it had somethind to do with the eyes. I reported very carefully what he told me. And got immediately the answer that she had wondered allready about those things.
Her white with a little color dog died after a serious Eye infection, and the cat also white with a little color was born with the same infection. Luckely in this life it was healed. They both have sensitive eyes. She got the cat in a bit of a mysterious way.
And they show the same behaviour to her. This cat acted as a dog, and not any kind of dog, but hers.
And now after it is out in the open, they talked about it, and he is more relaxed than before. Almost as if is happy that she found out.
The funny thing is that he ran off, she contacted me. I could trace him and so I had the first contact with him. It feels a bit like the spirit wanted to come back, he did, and now he wanted the contact in order to be able to tell it to her.
Tracking down lost animals is difficult I guess, you can never be sure and you have to be very carefull in what you tell. I think it is very nice if things turn out to be correct. As in recognizing the road they may have followed and coming back with a belly full of mud if you have seen them crawling through the muddy water.