You can program your intuition to retrieve the information you want. I suspect there are myriad ways to do this. The method I am playing with is to program your first impressions. Let me explain what I mean by that. When I teach the beginning class I have people go with their first impressions of an animal even before tuning in, getting focused or asking the animal if he or she wants to chat. The rationale for this as a first step is so that your intuition, which operates much like a computer, can download all the “pressing”bits of data coming through. This way those, off-the-top-of-your-head impressions won’t get lost. To program this process you simply set your intention to get certain specific types of information from your first impressions. Here’s how:
- Get the photo, name and age of the animal (if you are not there in person with the animal)
- Intend to get first impressions and record them
- Intend to get those impressions about certain aspects of the animal – this can be anything you choose, for example: personality, health, emotional well being, likes and dislikes, issues with owner… etc … ad infinitum.
- Then write (or say out loud) whatever impressions come to you – no matter what record them and go to the next
Try it and see how it works. Then get back to me with the results.
Animal in a Box
In my last newsletter I asked for animal-in-a-box photos. I got some to share with you!
Not to be outdone…..
Your Questions
I’m really, really struggling with something and I’d be willing to bet other communicators do, too. And I’d love your input–maybe even a topic for your blog, if you haven’t already touched on it. Being a person who is incredibly open on so many levels spiritually and energetically, I have found myself over the past year, shutting my intuitive gifts down, because there is so much pain, sorrow, and suffering on the planet right now. While I also know that there is great beauty, joy, and love here too, and that taking on physical existence is coming to “earth school” as a friend of mine puts it, and that learning is part of the lesson for every being here. I also know that part of the work we are doing here right now is assisting with the shift that is coming. But, still the feelings of pain and suffering of the planet and the beings we share her with are overwhelming and I’d really love to hear your thoughts on staying open during these so very difficult times. Thanks Marta! Are you coming to Colorado any time soon?
Great question! To answer the last one first… I will come to Colorado if someone wants to sponsor it. Get back to me and I will explain how. Regarding pain and suffering in the world…. yep it is pretty horrific right now. To deal with it you need to do two things…
1. Realize that we are on the verge of a huge shift. Could go good or bad but it is huge. That is why everything is so big and crazy. We are either going to heal or the patient is going to die.
2. Withdrawing will make you sick and ultimately you will feel worse. Instead … GO DO SOMETHING… find a group to actually work with. Do something. That is the cure.
Want an idea? Start a support circle for the wild horses and burros in the US. Go to my Facebook page to see the latest on the rally today at 12 noon PST in Las Vegas to support the wild horses in Fallon: BLM DONT TAKE MY BALLS.  Be there in spirit- send energy for the impact of this rally to go around the world and help the horses and burros be free again. Become a friend of mine on Facebook and I will tell you how to start a circle of your own and I will help you get connected up with the fan page we are starting on Facebook.
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Great advice, Marta, and I totally agree with your suggestion to just get busy and do something. It IS an overwhelming time when we are focusing on the big picture of everything that’s happening. It’s really helpful to choose a cause dear to us, focus on that and work on it. This helps to take us outside of ourselves so we’re not always caught up in the spiral of negativity that can pull us downward. Helping others is always the best line of defense against darkness; we may not be able to solve all the world’s problems, but at least we can work to make some difference in our corner of it! 🙂
After following the workshops in Belgium last year, I started to integrate those first impressions in the consults. Because at the workshops I found out that it worked. It also helps me clear my head I guess. And I get a lot of correct information this way. Which is confirmed by the animal in the conversation later.
Just this week I explained to a friend how that works. She works with Bach and is starting to learn how to communicate. With her own animals she was already fabously. But she finds it difficult to find the right state of mind to receive information. So I told her to start with this. And the same evening she got an answer from a rabbit what kind of ‘Bach’ rabbit he was. Before she just could place her finger on it. That is beautifull isn’t it?
The lady who teaches in the Netherlands and where I had the follow up course, organises practice days. Now and again I go to one of them. To be with people who love doing the same thing is wonderfull. With one of the practices I only wrote down the first impressions (because of the time) and over 90% was correct. In the group we had the discussion before about this subject, and one lady thought that you could be misleaded. With this exercise I could prove her otherwise.
I guess when there is something on the picture that is very distracting (for example a large colorfull painting), that can be true for that part. In order to avoid distraction of that kind, I remove the backgrounds in the pictures right after I received them.
Talking about the horror happening in the world, I try to protect myself if I cannot do anything about it. Otherwise it makes me sick and nobody benefits of that. And if I can help in anyway I open up my heart and try to do something about it.
Great advice Marta! I too get overwhelmed sometimes. I will feel that I am just one person. But one person can make a difference and it all starts with just one step. Do what you can and make all your choices toward your goal – keep light and laughter in your life and use it all for the greater good. It will make a difference!
Hi Marta,
I just lost my husband to a very virulent and fast cancer. We had less than a week to prepare. My 10 dogs are having to cope with their loss of him. Is there anything that I can do to assist them? I have one dog that goes into the bathroom and just lays by himself on the bathmat. He is my most sensitive dog and I worry about him the most. Any suggestions?
Hi Marta,
I love your blogs & find them great reminders of what’s true in my life. In reply to Pat’s pets having a hard time dealing with their guardian’s death, I’d use rescue remedy in their water & food, possibly a specific individual flower essence for each, but just to grieve with them & remind them of how you’re dealing with the situation. Though they each have their own grief, they are also trying to help with yours so let them know you’re working on it, too. Remind them (& yourself) to sometimes just enjoy a flower or tree. Be well, & I honor all you & your pets are doing.
Thanks Marta for all you do!
Hi Marta
Great Blog…I love to read them. Yes the first impressions works really well, and is very accurate and I love using it, since you taught it to me. We use it ALL the time when we meet humans. Think about it the next time a human is walking up to you, or you are walking up to them for something. We take in all sorts of data, and usually we are “spot on” when we start dealing with the human, so why not with animals.
As far as all the stuff that is going on in the world, I get that feeling from time to time. I then remember that it is the way that the whole world gets to open up their hearts all at once. Even if it is to send a good thought to the place that is having the hard time. Those good thoughts are felt all over the world and are helping to shift things. Taking peaceful action is also a great way to share peace and good feelings. But with all that said I try to remember what my dad taught me. “95% of the world is good, and good things. 5% of the world is bad and bad things. Most people choose to focus on the 5%. Why not focus on the 95%.” When I can remember I do just that. I cannot change the world, but I can change me! And I cannot help all of the animals of the world, but I can help some and their people one at a time.
About the woman who lost her husband I send my heart felt love to her and her animals. I have found that if she shares her pain with the animals and lets them know that she understands their pain too, that should be an assist to them, and they to her. They are open to “hearing” from her how she is so sad and how she is able to move ahead, but in the same moment being sad. And they can start moving ahead also and be sad at the same time. Honoring each others loss is a powerful thing.
Thanks Marta