When I look back to each of my animals, in almost every case I feel that my animals found me – they made the connections that brought us together – not the other way around. Two of my cats just showed up at my door, another was running in the street and would have gotten killed if I hadn’t saved her. Two of my dogs came to me from friends who asked me to rescue them. I saved my horse Rio to give him a nice place to die; instead he survived and thrived and turned into a perfect trail horse. I am also sure that our animals come into our lives for a purpose: to help us heal and help us learn.

My new book, My Animal My Self, delves into the magical connections that bring our animals into our lives and the hidden dynamics of healing and teaching that our animals offer us. My book is available in online bookstores, at your local store, and on my website.














Do you have a story about how your animal found you or how one of your animals helped you in your life? If so please share it on the blog.


Classes, Classes, Classes!

I am teaching in person in the following upcoming venues:


Oct 19 – Novato, CA – Marin Humane Society Beginning Animal Communication

Oct 25 – 27 – Visalia, CA Beginning/Intermediate Animal Communication/ Medical Intuition/Advanced Animal Communication/ Counseling Animals and Their People

Nov 2 – Novato, CA – Marin Humane Society Intermediate Animal Communication – Talking with Your Own Animal

Nov 11 – 17 – ONE WEEK INTENSIVE: Intuitive Communication with Animals and Nature (retake for half price) (Learn everything I know in 1 week!) Middletown, CA

Dec 1 – Richmond, CA Beginning/Intermediate Animal Communication

Get A Flyer About the Class

I have flyers for each of the above classes. If you would like a flyer for yourself or if you would be willing to share it by email with friends and animal groups who might be interested, or by posting it so people in your area can find out about the class please call or email me.


Nov 5 Tuesday – Practice Group 1 session, 2 hours – Choose either at 11 am by skype or 6 pm by phone, pacific time

Nov 11 Saturday – Talking with Your Own Animals 1 session, 2 hours – Choose either at 11 am by skype or 6 pm by phone, pacific time

Nov 23 and 30- Saturday – Intuitive Animal Training 2 classes total, 1 hour each week – Choose either 11 am by skype or 6 pm by phone, pacific time

Dec 7 – Working with Your Guides 1 session, 2 hours – Choose either at 11 am by skype or 6 pm by phone, pacific time

Note: All classes above have a prerequisite of the Beginning Animal Communication Class. You can satisfy the requirement through a class with me, or a half hour private tutoring session. I accept other communicator’s beginning classes as equivalent to mine. I also added some Saturday teleclasses to serve those of you who can’t do classes during the week.

Contact me for more information or sign up on my site: http://martawilliams.com/WorkshopSchedule.htm

Fixing the Planet

Mushroom Power

Who knows what if anything will pull us out of the whirling vortex we are now descending. If anything can, it may be the power of nature herself. Here are two videos about Paul Stamments and the use of fungii to remediate toxins. I liked both of them so I included both. If anyone is interested I put together a little pamphlet on how to remediate the Gulf with mushrooms, way back before they poured on the Corexit – when it was just an oil spill…. and I will be happy to dig that out and send it to you.




Another thing to consider in remediating the planet, is giving Nature a little help. That is what Wilhelm Reich designed in Orgonite, a man made substance that generates positive energy ions. You can get an organite cloud buster to neutralize chem trails and radiation. If we place enough of them on the planet…who knows?

Here is a source for buying a cloud buster. http://orgoneenergybalancing.org/products.html

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch…

At this point we are probably all being exposed to radiation from Fukushima and toxins from the Gulf and who knows what else. Here is an inexpensive, easy way to protect yourself and your loved ones from radiation and toxins.


I get Indian Clay from the health food store. Just make sure to get clay that has no perfume etc, added in.


Dogs Who Love Water



Here is a good article in two parts on vaccine use in horses. For my own animals I avoid vaccines whenever possible.I have cats that go outside and I live where there are wild cats and wild animals, including bats and skunks. I feel that a really healthy animal will fight off disease. It may make sense to do early life vaccination, though there is plenty of controversy about that. But vaccinating every year with multiple vaccines makes no sense; we don’t do that for ourselves. And designer vaccines (ie the latest greatest…) are just to make money for the pharmaceutical companies, as far as I can tell.




How to Activate Your Willpower


How to Train a Chicken!

If you have chickens…. check this out.



Want to get funny, weird interesting posts from me daily? Go like my facebook page:


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. viv wright

    I know this to be true. When I first met my horse as Barbara Cartland would have said we looked into each other’s eyes and it was like nothing else existed. She whickered to me and I had a really strong feeling that this was an old friend I hadn’t seen for some time. A shaman recently told me she is the reincarnation of a black Labrador who went out of my life at a young age. As a child I always knew he would come back in to my life.

  2. Cindi Summerlin

    My most recent addition, Annie, was dumped in the woods and left to starve to death with two other hunting dogs (may the man the dumped them always step in poop!). I rescued her first, then one of the males was hit and killed on the highway before I could get him in. The last male took me 48 days of sitting in the dirt, in the dark, talking to shadows in the trees before I could get him in and re-homed. He now has a happy forever family in another town, but Annie has forever become part of ours. We found each other at a time when we both needed to be rescued.

  3. Wendy Zeigler

    In 2000 when I moved to a new town with my 12 year old girl kitty Nakeeta, two cats came around. One, a gray tabby with a ripped ear and the most soulful eyes I’d ever seen, kept racing around from the back of the house,to the front. The other, a petite black kitty sat 500 feet away, unless the gray cat was with him. I fed them, talked to them. One day I said “Come here, kitty,I’ll be your mommy”, to the gray one racing around,to peer at me. He,slowly came over and got right in my lap. After a while, borh lived in my miniscule back yard. Sir,Gracie Graystreak Zeigler and Blackitty Sweetbaby Sugarheart Zeigler eventually came inside. These cats but became the loves of my life. How could they be gone? Love is,however, forever! Recently my Dad passed and now Fletcher, once Dad’s cat, is with me…. the love of my life. He came to me 3months to the ,day after Blackitty died. How could I ever have lived without my Fletcher? I savor every moment with him, for he is 11.

  4. Linda Nedilsky

    How timely.. for your blog.
    We lost our Aussie 9 years ago from cancer, and we knew we had to have another dog in our lives. We were no longer a young couple so we decided to try our hand at adopting an older dog. After searching for months, we finally were led to a woman who had a black lab that had formerly been a show dog. She never reached her full height so the owners gave her up for adoption. We were the third potential home for Bliss. When we met the sweet little lab, we immediately fell in love with her. I have always had dogs in my life..they have rescued me from years of night traumas. But Bliss showed a new talent. I am prediabetic, and recently have struggled with my blood sugar going too high, but since I was not diagnosed with diabetes, I only checked my BS randomly. Last week I was under extreme stress with an art show coming up that I was unaware that my BS was going up due to stress. My sweet dog kept licking me in my face, which is something she never does. I thought she was having shoulder pain, which she has time to time, but in this case, I checked her shoulder and it was fine. Why was she constantly licking me? After 3 days of this, I realized I was not feeling well.. I was having hot flashes, and feeling irritable. I decided to check my blood sugar and found out it was 100 points above what I normally was. Then I connected the dots. Bliss was trying to tell me that something was wrong with me. I spent the next few days working out harder and focusing on bringing my stress down.. after the art show, I was more calm, and my blood sugar returned to normal, and so did Bliss.
    I am grateful to have such a wonderful dog in my life.. to remind me to stay calm, and enjoy life as she does.

  5. Georgia Harmon

    Recently a beat up, scrappy, and starving feral cat showed up at my door. I told the feral I would be happy to feed him as long as he didn’t cause any trouble with my other cats: both inside kitties and Sydney the abandoned outside cat I care for.

    About a week later, I was sitting on my porch and the feral came around the corner, sat and just stared at me from a distance as usual. I told I wouldn’t hurt him and I’d take good care of him. What followed was unbelievable. He got up, walked to me, got in my lap and purred and has been the most loving, loyal cat ever since. He said his name was Gus.

    About a week later, an emaciated “momma kitty” showed up–it was Gus’ daughter. The vet said she had obvioulsy given birth somewhere, but doubted any kittens survived because of the momma’s health. Needless to say, she also has a new home and was eager to be part of the family. She said her name was Shera.

    They both showed up when I needed them and they needed me. There is no doubt why they picked my house out of the entire neighborhood.

    One last surprise…one of Shera’s kittens survived as a result of her finally getting the nutrition she needed. She brought her baby around a few weeks ago to say “thank you.” I never felt more loved–and de-stressed!

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