at least not the poisonous ones… but now that they are, by and large, gone, I’m sorry I didn’t appreciate them more. There are way fewer ants too, and moths, and bees, ground squirrels, and songbirds – all of which I used to see in abundance. No quail run across the road anymore, there are about a third as many deer, and I only saw a couple of wild turkeys in November. I found two dead songbirds who were fat and there was no reason apparent for their death. I have never seen that before.
Does this sound like the beginning of a science fiction novel? Would that it were. No, this is what is happening where I live in California – has been happening for over a year and a half now…. It is not just the drought; it was before that. But now we have the drought too, and that is making it worse.
If you’ve been paying attention,
And if you have not been brainwashed,
And you have not descended into denial,
Then you are probably aware that we and our planet are severely threatened.
WARNING! This blog is purely and simply about the melt down of our world. The comments I have gotten back from readers so far are: “sobering,” “terrible vision of what we are doing to Mother Earth” and “Thanks for the info and the ideas on what to do.” One reader told me that it takes guts to write something like this. I’m not sure if it is guts or madness…but it is the truth. If you don’t get that things are dire and /or don’t want to know about it, or if you just don’t want to deal with that… no harm, no foul. And if that is the case for you, you may want to stop reading now. If you go ahead and read this blog entry, I hope you will find something worthwhile. I have been on a quest for some time to find some way to help the earth. In this blog I share with you something I discovered that I feel won’t hurt and might help.
The Assault
The ongoing assault on us and the planet includes, but is not limited to some very heavy hitters:
Corexit and Synthia in the Gulf of Mexico
Bee killing insecticides (which are being APPROVED by the EPA?????!@!!!!)
Daily Hiroshima level discharges from Fukushima (watch this video to see what Dr. Helen Caldicott says about Fukushima):
Coal particles melting arctic ice
Frankenstein genes from Monsanto – in most food (unless it says organic) and now let loose in our environment
Fracking (which contaminates the entire watertable for all life forms, not just the water coming out of the sink)
Unraveling of the Web of Life
I am a biologist and therefore have a keen eye for what is happening in Nature. However, I see many biologists who are in denial or who are taking the approach of: ‘Hmmm isn’t that strange (that all the sardines are gone and the starfish are melting into fluff…) let’s do a two year study of this.’ But I did find this biologist from British Columbia talking openly about the unraveling of the web of life in his bioregion. His thought is that we won’t have any future generations of humans. From what I am seeing we won’t have to be waiting that long for the lethal effect on humans.
If you really need proof that everything is melting down you may not doing enough research. If you want to research, you will have to go to the internet; you will not find information in the main stream news anymore as it is controlled by the billionaires. Here are some links to start you off.
Diseased Seals in the Pacific
Here is another post about Fukushima with lots of links you can explore.
Is This Just Ineptitude?
Could this really be just unintentional ineptitude? It is way more comfortable to believe that, but I don’t think the facts bear out that assumption. If you want to investigate that aspect here are some resources for information on the intentionality of all this. Keep in mind: EPA is dead on approving of all this stuff that is killing the earth; no one did anything to stop the oil spill in the Gulf, instead they poured millions of gallons of deadly corexit on it with EPA approval, and no one has done ANYTHING to stop the melt down of three reactors at Fukushima…NOTHING DONE. Tepco is throwing homeless people and duct tape at it now.
This site has articles from good sources on all aspects of what is going on with Fukushima , nukes all over, and the Gulf of Mexico.
This book gives you the history and truth about the Gulf of Mexico
Leaving aside the issue of whether this assault is being done on purpose,what the motive would be, or how whoever is responsible might be planning to escape the fallout, here is what we have to deal with:
There are no normal ways to fix what is happening on the earth at this time.
I say that with some authority: I have a biology masters. I spent 13 years working with EPA, DOE, Dept of Health, US Fish and Wildlife, CA Fish and Wildlife. I have studied the major forms of bioremediation including hazardous waste remediation techniques, wastewater treatment systems, and biological waste remediation with bacteria and mushrooms. Yes all these techniques can be employed and can do some good, but the scale and severity of the toxins are just too freaking HUGE. Really, there are no ways to remediate the scope and the scale of the toxins and failing biological systems that confront us. So where does that leave us and the majority of life on earth? Quite possibly DEAD very soon, maybe within 6 months.
What to Do?
I have given this A LOT of thought, and I have concluded that:
- We can’t get control of the world governments – sure some are good, but most are not, and
- We absolutely need to protest, but I don’t think we can protest our way out of this. We now live in an international police state. Our most effective protesters have been identified, targeted, and silenced. Read what happened to (just some….of) the whistleblowers in the Gulf.
- We need to do something completely different that is under the radar and something that won’t hurt – might help.
Here is what I think could work: Use Orgone Energy (aka Orgonite) to Heal the Earth
Orgone energy (also commonly referred to as Orgonite) was developed by Wilhelm Reich, an inventor and free thinker who was ultimately jailed and killed; an unfortunately familiar story. An orgone device is a manmade assemblage of hardened resin with embedded crystals and metal that generates positive energy. Read more here on what orgone energy is and what it can do
Reich used orgone energy to heal people of cancer and to create rain with his cloud buster . Orgone devices have now been modified for use in neutralizing toxins (like from chemtrails and from radiation) and for modifying extreme weather.
I believe orgone devices can neutralize much of the pollution, negativity and just plain evil in our world, if we get enough of it out there. Energy healing for the planet is a good thing to do too, but so far, it doesn’t seem to be doing the trick. There is a bit of controversy about orgone devices but what I have read leads me to feel they are positive. And the bottom line is, we have to do something….now.
Orgone Devices
Tower Busters – These were designed to address the negative energy emitted by cell towers. Burying a muffin sized tower buster (also known as “gifting”) in the vicinity of a cell tower neutralizes the negativity. You can purchase from one of the links below or make your own. I have used them to create nicer neighbors (I put some busters along the property line). I think tower busters could to transform anything that is negative like local city hall, corporate offices, or areas of pollution. Here is some information on cell towers and orgone devices.
- Tower Busters – Photo
Cloud Buster/Chem Buster – Cloud busters also known as chem busters, have a range of 25 to 100 miles, depending on design, and can cost a couple hundred. (Note: see Earth Pipes below for lower cost alternative). Cloud busters nowadays have been reconfigured from Reich’s original design and are used to break up chemtrails and neutralize the chemicals from them. Cloud busters are also used against radiation and other toxins, and there are many people using them to modify weather and tone down extreme weather events. I have a cloud buster now and I am noticing that the chemtrails are dissipating over my house consistently. Apparently you can program cloud busters and earth pipes too, to help with growing plants, creating harmony, and all kinds of issues. Here is a good article about this device. You can also read about what Orgonise Africa has done using orgone devices in South Africa.
Earth Pipe – These are simpler versions of the Cloud Buster, with far reduced range of three miles in all directions and they only cost $10.
Get Some or Make Some
If you are going to buy or make orgone devices, I would suggest Tower Busters and Earth Pipes. Earth pipes have a range of 3 miles in all directions so they are not shabby. And you can buy a lot of earth pipes and tower busters for $100. Also both are pretty easy to make (see directions below)
These are two vendors I suggest. The first site is someone I have ordered from. I can guarantee he is good and his prices are really reasonable. The second one has the cheapest tower busters but could have issues with how long it takes to ship.
Orgone Energy Balancing –
To buy Earth Pipes, contact Louis directly by email if you want to order earth pipes as they are not listed on his site at present:
These guys have the cheapest Tower Busters: Orgonise Africa –
But their shipping may be slow.
Here are guides on how to make orgone devices yourself:
This is another site on how to make your own earth pipes.
What You/We Can Do
Individually, you can get some or make orgone devices, like an Earth Pipe or Cloud Buster for your land and get Tower Busters to “gift.” You can also tell your friends about this.
Together, we can collaborate to do some of the following projects:
- “gift” all locations that harbor corrupt politicians/organizations/businesses with orgone energy devices
- “gift” any areas where there is pollution or toxins, or areas that produce same
- “gift”a wall of orgone devices to the west coast of US to address radiation (to do this we need boats)
- “gift” orgone devices to pacific ocean to address radiation and restore the fishery (ditto)
- “gift” Fukushima and all nuclear plants with tower busters and or earth pipes
- “gift” orgone devices in the Gulf of Mexico (boats again)
If you know anyone who would like to help with any of these projects, please have them contact me. There is a particular need for fishermen or anyone with boats that can go at least 5 miles out in the ocean.
Please feel free to share this blog.
This Post Has 7 Comments
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Hi, Marta,
Horrifying, what we’ve done to our Mother Earth. The only satisfaction I have is thinking the a**holes who are responsible will go down with the rest of us and will have to answer for it. Thank you for providing information, resources and things we can do rather than just putting our heads in the sand and hoping for the best!
Hi Marta,
A terrible picture of the state of Mother Earth and what we are doing to it! Thanks for all the documents and information, it really helps to see things more clearly and have a more balanced view. Being scared won’t help, we need to find ways of helping the Earth and spread the word.
Warm greetings,
Very interesting…sounds better than doing nothing or going shopping….
I am looking forward to humanity’s extinction, as is pretty much every other species on earth. Too bad we are taking so many with us.
Hi Marta – Just want to appreciate deeply this particular post, validating some of the things we are seeing on West Coast of BC. I have heard of Neil Dawe’s work and thank you for referring to it. Some of the bird species he mentions, like the Blue Heron and the Barn Swallow – we still have a few of them here on the Sunshine Coast, but can see it is getting harder and harder for them to survive. We keep the woods near our house as wild as can be for songbird habitat, but each year there are fewer and fewer. Educating people as best we can, as you are doing, will help. The fight of our lives is going to happen here as our insane Federal government tries to push these pipelines and freighters loaded with oil and coal through to China. Cannot predict the outcome but it is certainly pulling together all who are concerned to do whatever we can to prevent it from happening. One spill here (which I believe is inevitable) and we’ll be just like the Gulf. Then the oil companies will be laughing all the way to the bank. Thanks again. Warm wishes, Carol
Hi Carol – I have been in a quandry since posting as it is depressing and dramatic and the claims i am making are well…horrific. And yet it is the truth as i know it. I truly believe after using orgonite that it can make a difference . the trick is to get a lot of it out there. so if you know any one with a boat….
we certainly decided to come in to the world at perhaps the most tragic and challenging time in earths history.
Great to know about this amazing information.its very interesting knowledge you have shared. i am appreciate with you that ” There are way fewer ants too, and moths, and bees, ground squirrels, and songbirds – all of which I used to see in abundance. No quail run across the road anymore, there are about a third as many deer, and I only saw a couple of wild turkeys in November”.
Thank you for this information.
I have made some orgonite, mostly for around my house, but plan to start gifting to the cell towers in my area. The earth pipes sound really interesting also.
They have really assaulted California with chemtails for many years, I almost won’t even eat organic produce from there now. My area has been spared the heaviest spraying as we are quite rural. So grateful!
Keep up the good work!