what would it be? My choice would be to change the way little boys are socialized all over the world. Something goes haywire, in all cultures, with regard to socialization — at least that is my take on it. I believe men and women have the same capacity for empathy, compassion, nuturing, care, concern, intuition, etc. But somewhere along the way from indigenous culture to civilized culture something got messed up when it comes to how boys are raised and the expectations put on them vs. the expectations put on girls. I’m working backwards in this assumption, as I have no experience with raising kids or teaching them. But I can attest to the fact that most of the people interested in animal communication are women. Men can communicate intuitively just as well as women, but there is a taboo for men to participate in things that are seen as feminine, emotional, about loving animals, about intuition…fill in the blank. Rupert Sheldrake talks about this in his books. For that reason , I suspect the statistics will bear out that there tends to be a majority of women who will be seen to take on animal rescue and activist activities. For one thing animal rescue work usually doesn’t pay well..LOL. But I think there are socialization issues there too. I feel pretty safe in asserting that the majority of the abuse done to animals (not all of it, but most of it) is done by men.That doesn’t mean all men are abusive, just that the tendency to abuse is more prevalent in men than in women.
The men in my classes agree with the analysis that there is a social taboo for men against doing animal communication, more so than for women. And it is a well documented fact that domestic violence is predominantly done by men to women not the other way round. I don’t know what the statistics are for violence and abuse against animals, but it seems likely that such action is more male-initiated.
I guess I would wave the wand so that little boys are now magically raised more the way girls are — in particular teaching them to be nurturing, emotionally open, and supportive of one another. I think there have been some experiments in Sweden and maybe in Montessori schools to do this sort of thing. I don’t know how these experiments have worked, but that would be my vote. What is your opinion and what one thing would you change?
Holiday Special
Between November 1st and December 25th I am offering a Holiday Special Discount. Get $15 off on my half hour rate. The Holiday Special l rate is $60 vs. $75 for 30 minutes. Get a consult for yourself and your animal, buy a consult as a gift for friends and relatives. I will send you the gift certificates (by email or snail mail, your choice) — good for one year.
Week Long Intensive
If I can get a minimum of six people who want to attend a week long intensive in December I will hold it at my ranch in California. In this course I teach you everything I know. If you check my website and the workshop descriptions, you will see what is covered. If you are interested or know anyone who is please contact me right away. The dates are Dec 10 – 15. The fee is $1250 which includes lunch every day. You will stay at nearby Perini Ranch, a lovely ranch in the wine country, which is a separate fee.
Dog Shaming
There is a website called dog shaming where people post the bad things their dogs have done. This has become a YouTube cult thing… Some people think it is not nice to the dogs. I don’t know I cant see that really. I guess some of the dogs might not really like it but most of them seem sort of impressed with themselves. Beyond that every time Ii go look at the site I laugh hysterically — can’t help myself at all.
Here is the url: http://dog-shaming.com/
Here are some I really liked; new ones get added daily.
Look at the face on that one! Unbelievable. The little balloon window says…. Cat doesn’t care. OK that’s even more hysterical. Luna guarding the door and the cat walking right by going, “Right, dream on.”
My main comment on the site is that a whole lot of the postings would disappear if people would just please feed their dogs real food… OY VEY!!!
OK here is another one….. there are hundreds by now…you could sit there all day and view them.
and one more…
Now who can guess why there will be never be a catshaming.com website? Take a look at the dogshaming.com site and tell me what you think about it….if you can stop laughing.
Raw Food
Here are some options for doing raw food for dogs and cats:
This site is a vet who talks about making your own raw for cats: http://www.catinfo.org/?link=makingcatfood#Making
This site is also a vet who started the bones and raw food diet (barf diet): http://www.barfaustralia.com/index.php
On my home page there is an ebook you can buy that tells you how to do raw or cooked homemade food.
Here are some US based raw food companies that ship:
Carnebest is a good food available in Holland, not sure about elsewhere
No Kill Animal Shelters
In case you are not aware there is an international movement toward no kill dog and cat animal shelters. To learn more about the no kill movement go to this site
What’s in that Food?
Whats in Purina? Here’s some info about that.
Good Things
Bear Bile Industry Shrinking
Here is an article on Care2.com about how the bear bile industry is shrinking. http://www.care2.com/news/member/353427779/3471538
Wow is that good news. The bear bile industry is a hideous abuse that has caused bears to commit suicide by starving themselves rather than endure the torture. One mother bear killed her baby and then herself to get out of that hell. Really it is that bad. It’s good that it’s taking a turn down…its so bad that it even exits.
River has Rights
Another good thing – Yay New Zealand!
Safe Wind Turbines
And another – bird and bat safe wind turbines
End Horse Meat Industry
This may turn into a good thing… the Canadian horse slaughter plants are under scrutiny for toxic meat. If you live in Canada go to this site and join in to help shut down the Canadian horse torture camps.
Not So Good Things
Gulf of Mexico
Nothing went away or changed in the Gulf of Mexico. The ecosystem and animals are dying, the oil and corexit still flows. If you are a truth seeker and want to pull your head up out of the sand go to facebook and join the Real Coastal Warriors. They have it dialed in.
As for Fukushima, what can you say…if you missed what’s been happening, here’s a whole slew of articles by Natural News.
There are a lot of people in Japan and around the world mobilizing against nuclear but, as with the Gulf, the damage has been done.
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My choice for “one change” would be that EVERY HUMAN on the planet would become telepathic. Humans would be able to communicate with every other living creature (whether it walks, swims, flies, or slithers!) as the intelligent beings they are, and between humans there would be no more bullshit because everyone would KNOW what everyone else is thinking when having a conversation. Actually, words would no longer be necessary…..LOL That’s MY WISH for 2013!
Ok I changed my mind on what I want. I want to wave a wand and have everyone in the world come out of denial. No more denial or lying about anything. Now that would be cool!
What will I do with that magic wand of mine to help the animals? Well,that’s an easy one! All human hearts will be fully healed and so full of joy that the animals will just be here to be themselves and bask in that joy! They won’t need to mirror us,balance us,clear our energy or any of the other services they do for us! That will be a beautiful day and it will come!!!