This will be a quick post to get you some information on the situation in Japan. As far as I can tell it is now a situation for the whole world. If we have learned nothing from the Gulf from all that has transpired in our lifetimes, surely we have learned that the government lies. And they are truly lying about Japan. I will give you some links to explore and a VERY short summary of what I have found:

The releases are getting worse, the meltdowns are continuing, major releases have occurred including plutonium, the amount of material at Fukushima is Chernobyl possibly to the power of 100, we in the northern hemisphere could all have been exposed to plutonium particulates and other isotopes, if you inhale or ingest a particulate you are at ground zero, it doesn’t matter how far you are from Japan. They don’t know how to stop it, nothing is working and if they put sand and concrete on it it might force it into the ground/ocean and create an even worse (possible???) scenario.

Here are the best sites to check, you won’t find anything useful on the regular news:

This site has lots of good articles (listed on the left hand column) read the one about what is being covered up in Japan.

The  web person gets my vote for best news scrounger on the net. He/she/it set up a separate site just for the japan disaster (you can still go to for news on the Gulf…. like that the macondo well area is the source of a new huge oil spill – my guess, BPs frankenstein microbes are breaking up the ocean floor. See my earlier posts on the Gulf.)

This is also a very good analysis

And this guy has it dialed in

What Can We Do?

If you know people in Japan tell them to get as far away as possible from the leaking reactors (there actually may turn out to be more than just the Fukushima ones…Japan has 55)

Definitely donate if you can. Not sure the best place for donating to people (I’m not a big fan of big relief organizations, I don’t think the money gets where it needs to go), but here is a link for donating to a coalition of three local groups in Japan who are cooperating to rescue. You can google each one to see who they are.

There is no consensus on whether the rest of the world needs to protect themselves. Certainly anyone in Japan MUST. so get this to them if you know someone. Honestly, I have been really depressed and conflicted about how to protect self and animals. If you have to try to address particulates in the air and on the ground that you could get on you, inhale, your animals could get, that could get on grass that horses and cows eat, on a worm a chicken eats, in the horses water trough, on your veggies….. do you see where I am going with this? So I really don’t know… but here are some ideas that people have sent me for what to do.

What follows I had to cut and paste in:
Radiation Prevention and Detox

Some of this material is taken from Shirley’s Wellness Café.
Low levels of glutathione (GSH) are connected with an increased risk of developing cancer from radiation exposure. And people undergoing radiation treatment for cancer experienced stronger negative effects and greater injury when they have low glutathione (GSH) levels, because white blood immune cells are better able to withstand radiation “therapy” when cancer specialists raised glutathione (GSH) prior to treatment.Â
Where to get glutathione (just a few suggestions):
Oral supplements may be useless. However, high quality whey protein will give your body the precursors to manufacture glutathione so your liver can deal with the extra toxic load. If you cannot tolerate whey, there are non-transdermal glutathione patches that are quite effective.
At the time of the atomic bombing during World War II, Dr. Tatsuichiro Akizuki was Director of the Department of Internal Medicine at St. Francis’s Hospital in Nagasaki. He fed his staff and patients a strict diet of brown rice, miso and tamari soy soup, wakame,kombu and other seaweed, Hokkaido pumpkin, and sea salt. He also prohibited the consumption of sugar and sweets since they suppress the immune system. No one succumbed to radiation poisoning, whereas the occupants of hospitals located much further away from the blast incident suffered severe radiation fatalities.
Sea vegetables, including kelp, contain the polysaccharide sodium alginate, which selectively binds radioactive particles of strontium and escorts them out of the body. (This was discovered by a research team at McGill University of Montreal, headed by Dr. Stanley Skoryna, in 1968.) Sodium alginate also binds with other metal pollutants such as excess barium, cadmium and zinc.
This is why various seaweeds and algae are typically used to treat radiation victims. In Chernobyl, spirulina was used to help save many children from radiation poisoning. By taking 5 grams of spirulina a day for 45 days, the Institute of Radiation Medicine in Minsk also proved that children on this protocol experienced enhanced immune systems, increased T-cell counts (T-cells are soldiers of the immune system), and reduced radioactivity levels.
. and since that time the Russians have been researching the use of their own kelps from Vladivlostok, from which they have isolated the polysaccharide U-Fucoidan, which is another radioactive detoxifier.
Chlorella algae, which builds immune response and helps eliminate heavy metals, has also shown radioprotective effects. Because they bind heavy metals, algae should be consumed after exposure to any type of radioactive contamination. (Israeli scientists have also treated Chernobyl children with doses of natural beta carotene from Dunaliella algae to help normalize their blood chemistry.)
Yet another benefit of the sea vegetables rarely discussed is their high mineral content, which is a bonus in the case of radioactive exposure. Consuming natural iodine, such as in the seaweeds, helps prevent the uptake of iodine-131 while iron inhibits the absorption of plutonium-238 and plutonium-239. Vitamin B-12 inhibits cobalt-60 uptake (used in nuclear medicine), zinc inhibits zinc-65 uptake and sulfur is preventative for sulfur-35 (a product of nuclear reactors) incorporation by the body.
Because miso soup is so effective in helping prevent radiation sickness, Japanese researchers have identified the presence of an active ingredient called zybicolin, discovered in 1972, which acts as a binding agent to also detoxify and eliminate radioactive elements (such as strontium) and other pollutants from the body.
 Where to get miso (just a few suggestions):Any good health food store. Asian Markets also have miso. Make sure to get organic miso! Otherwise, it will likely be made with Genetically Engineered (GE) soy. Those sensitive to gluten should get miso made with rice, not wheat or barley.
The kelps and algaes aren’t the only natural foods with radio-detoxifying effects. Green tea has proven “radioprotective effects” whether consumed either before or after exposure to radiation. Studies from Japan and China also suggest that the ingredients in tea are radioactive antagonists.
Nuclear workers potentially exposed to radioactive sulfur need a higher content of sulfur in their diet. MSM supplements provide a source of dietary sulfur. And -thiol supplements such as cysteine, lipoic acid and glutathione also help detoxify the body, as well as address other health problems.
According to Shirley’s Wellness Café, an anti-radiation diet should focus on the following foods:
• Miso soup
• Spirulina, chlorella and algae (kelp, etc.)
• Brassica vegetables and high beta carotene vegetables
• Beans and lentils
• Potassium, calcium and mineral rich foods
• High nucleotide content foods to assist in cellular repair including spirulina, chlorella, algae, yeast, sardines, liver, anchovies and mackerel
• Cod liver oil
• Avoid sugars and sweets and wheat
• A good multivitamin/multimineral supplement
Depleted uranium is currently in the journalistic spotlight because US weapons are made from this material, and after being fired leave a legacy of depleted uranium dust in the environment, which anyone can absorb. Because the kidneys are usually the first organs to show chemical damage upon uranium exposure, military manuals suggest doses or infusions of sodium bicarbonate to help alkalinize the urine if this happens. This makes the uranyl ion less kidney-toxic and promotes excretion of the nontoxic uranium carbonate complex.

If you can’t find potassium iodine , topical application of iodine/betadine may be an option:

make sure to read the comments to this post… more good info

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Marlene

    Hi Marta
    Further re the terrible situation in Japan, I just wanted to quickly mention another product that might be of assistance to people/animals exposed to radiation. Its a flower essence combination made by FES in the US, called Yarrow Special Formula, I believe. It contains, from memory, both flower essences (which, for anyone new to essences, are vibrational remedies, similar to homeopathics) and carbon materials. I believe it was developed after Chernobyl and can be taken before, during and after exposure to radiation. Its easy to use (liquid) and inexpensive and is avaiable from many stores, both physical and online, including from FES themselves (they have a big website). There are also other flower essences said to help protect one against radiation and search engines should pick up such products. Such products I feel are a valueable part of an all round approach to protecting oneself (and possibly cleansing oneself?) after exposure to radiation, alongside other measures such as diet, detoxing and of course practical measures eg wearing masks if appropriate, relocating if necessary etc.
    If any one has any queries re the above, e.g. where to buy such essences, pls feel free to contact me via (I cant supply the essences myself but can redirect people to where they can be purchased, pls note)
    best wishes

  2. Jane bb

    Hi Marta,
    All I have heard concurs with the sea vegetable/miso/ macrobiotic and no sugar diet as the best possible defense.

  3. Tina

    Thanks so much for this post.
    I landed here via an email from you and saw that you were talking about Japan.
    Lots of good information here! It goes along with another article on radiation protection that I came across a couple of days ago, which included using DMSO, since it’s a sulfur compound and antioxidant.
    “A Japanese study showed that even low concentrations of DMSO had radio-protective effects through the facilitation of DNA double-strand break repair, providing protection against radiation damage at all cellular levels in the whole body. The information and experience on DMSO is so fascinating that it can be described only as miraculous.”

  4. Craig

    VEry valuable information to help us survive this gross radiation catastrophe and recuperate to live to learn our greater lessons on how to live in harmony with the REst of Life.

  5. Darcy Fisher

    Everyone in the world should become familiar with and taking Natural Cellular Defense everyday. The main ingredient is a natural mineral created when lava contacts water. It has a honeycomb structure and one of the few minerals in nature that is negatively charged, drawing into itself and capturing postively charged toxins like heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic,etc) and VOC’s, allergens, chemicals, cesium, stronium and more, and then naturally removing these toxins at the systemic level from the body.
    Thhis mineral, zeolite, was used at Chernobyl and Three Mile Island to clean up the messes and were even baked into cookies for children and fed to the cows so that the milk wasn’t contaminated.
    It’s other incredible property is that it balances the body’s Ph to a more desirable alkaline state. Things like cancer, viuses, parasites, etc do not live in alkaline bodies. Everyone at our ranch, horses, dogs, cats and ouselves have all been on this product for 5 years… no colds and flus, no need to worm the animals, numerous chronic conditions reversed and we can rest assured that we will not be physically affected by what’s headed our way in the air, water or food. If you would like more info, visit my website and give me a call.

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