Although lost animal cases are tough, I really like working on them. It is so rewarding to help people reunite with their  lost animal. Over many years I have developed a strategy and facility for this kind of difficult case, so please feel free to refer people with lost animals my way. While intuitive tracking can be right on, it is always desirable to get what I call real data. Real data most often comes in the form of sightings. If I intuitively get a certain direction and distance for a lost animal and then we get a sighting in the area I described, it confirms the intuitive data and makes it easier to continue working with the animal to effect recovery, since I know I am on the right track.

Another great real data generator in lost animal cases is a search dog. I have worked quiet a few cases with successful outcomes, where the search dog and I are aiding each other in the search. I always recommend that people employ a search dog if one is available in their area and if they can afford it. There is now a nonprofit in Seattle, WA that trains people and their dogs to search for lost pets:

I think the human/dog search teams coming out of this program are excellent. Three of my students are certified by missingpetpartnership and have had exceptional success. Check out their websites below:

Cathy Orde – Wyoming website –

Jackie Phillips – California website –

Teresa Bressoud – California website –


 Psycho Cats

Here is another hysterically funny YouTube.




 Slow Food

This lady is the queen of the slow food movement, which refers to food grown organically, without pesticides or genetically modified organisms (GMO)/ seeds. Why should you care about her or what she says? Well do you want to be healthy? Do you want organic food available and uncontaminated by pesticides and genetically modified crops? Join the center for food safety ( ), s upport them and get involved.


A new study shows that GMO food is destructive to your liver and kidneys. This would also include the food we feed to our dogs, cats, and horses that is GMO…..and thanks to Monsanto most everything is GMO unless the package explicitly says its organic. Haven’t seen too much horse feed labeled organic…have you?

Happy Holidays

An Ecard for you:


About  This Blog

Is anyone having a problem making a comment for the blog? I have a spam blocker that bounced one person. Also please feel free to share this blog with friends, and to send in your stories, funny pictures, and questions for inclusion in the blog.

Cheers, Marta

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Vicki van Rossem

    Hi Marta
    I have noticed on two occasions that my messages were blocked and did not make it onto your blog…

    Hopefully this one will, as I would like to wish you Happy Holidays and want to thank you for the great opportunity you have given us by setting up the Virtual Practice Sessions!

    My enthusiasm must have inspired my husband as he managed to get a message across to Gulliver, our TB gelding that it was time he showed real leadership and allow our other TB gelding (the underdog in the herd of three) in the huge shelter when it is raining. After only one chat Gulliver happily obliged, something I had been trying to get him and ‘his’ mare to do for months!

    Organic (slow/whole) foods are really the answer to better health as we have been noticing in our family: now ALL our food and drinks are 100% organic and the difference has been truly amazing; more energy, less stress (still working on that one though ha ha), healthier looking skin and hair and the list continues…

    Happy Holidays!


  2. Marta

    Hey Vicki
    Well it worked this time! Thanks for the thanks. I really enjoyed the virtual practice group last month. January’s groups will be on Wed the 13th. Watch for an email about it. Talk to you in the new year. Lets hope its a better one….

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