I finally sold my ranch and moved to a smaller property about two hours north, still in Northern California. This move really took it out of me. Just about everything that could be or could go wrong, is or did. Fixing all this is almost as daunting as fixing the earth, hence the microcosm of the macrocosm. But I am out from under my home loan and now I can put more time into helping the animals and the earth rather than working to pay the banksters . Here are some pictures of my new place.

The creek behind my house. My horse Mojave plunked himself in the shallows as soon as I led him down here.
New Book!
Another thing I can do now is start a new book. Look for more information on that soon. I am going to do something completely different (what being an animal communicator wasn’t enough???) : I am writing a mystery novel..already started. I’m not just doing it for fun, it is meant to shift things. Yes there will be talking animals in it. Wish me luck and stay tuned.
Detoxing in a Toxic World
The last blog I did on detoxing was too long and involved, according to some readers. So here is the cut to the chase short version.
Things to do to detox and improve immune system.
1. No to low dairy
2. Do sour citrus. I do lemon, lime, grapefruit squeezed in water, with stevia , good to do first thing in am with warm water and during day
3. Do a lymph drainage massage on self –
Can do this lying down.
4. Walk and do stretches /yoga /do slow heavy weight lifting
5. Decrease protein (plant and animal) Increase low sugar fruits and veggies
6. No processed carbos, do potatoes, spaghetti squash as pasta, only organic
7. Only organic or non gmo food … only
8. Do an infrared sauna – Make your own infrared sauna
9. Do a loofa dry brush daily –
10. Do milk thistle, dandelion and nettle herbs daily, as tea or pills
For supplements I do:
Para – sheild – anti parasite
Whole food multi vitamin and mineral
Some form of iodine to protect thyroid
Bentonite clay or apple pectin daily to detox
Apple cider vinegar to alkalinize, I also do some baking soda in water, daily, Bob’s Redmill brand
Magnesium citrate to counteract the chem trail nanoparticulate aluminum spraying
Coconut oil for immunity
West Coast Dowsers Conference – I will be there!
This is a fantastic conference happening in Santa Cruz July 1 – 5. Not to be missed. I highly recommend Wayne Hoff who will be presenting how to clear land and houses with dowsing. He is awesome! Also, Karen Berke, one of my former students is presenting a course on Animal Communication. I will be teaching about mirroring between animals and people.
Coming to Vermont in JULY!
All you Vermont and adjacent state people: I will be teaching a four day intensive in Vermont July 9 -12. This will be one of the last trips I do I think. From now on I will only do training in California. Please see my website for schedule and to sign up. Call or email if you have questions. You can retake any class for half price and if you had a Beginning class with another teacher I accept that as equivalent to mine, so you don’t have to take that class over.
Share this if you like it and please comment. Would love to hear from you and it would be great to see you in Santa Cruz or VT!
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Hi Marta!
I picked up some great tips here, as I have started a more healthy regime, trying to stick with it. I try to drink dandelion tea one day and then licorice root the next. I put coconut oil on my face every night and take a tiny taste:) I am now putting flax seeds on my cereal and turmeric powder in drinks, and then a kale salad every night with good stuff in it. Yoga and dark chocolate added in.
Now from your post, I’m searching for a loofa brush and stevia. I love the idea of making my own sauna but knowing me, it would look more like a hamster cage when I finished, but great idea.
Yes. More fruits and veggies! Thanks for the reminder, duh.
Taking notes on your great post.
Can’t wait to read your new book!
Hi Marta
Great to her the update for you and your animals and your new home. I love the idea of a mystery novel. Take care and great work selling, buying and moving.
I continue to turn people on to your books!
Much love
Hi Barbara, great to hear from you. This was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. But I am on the tail end of it now. Whew!
How is New Mexico? And thanks for telling people about my books.
cheers and best wishes
Dear Marta,
So glad you were able to sell your property and move to a space that feels more financially doable. It is nice to be able to live in a way that allows us to actually spend the money we have on healing ourselves, our animals, and the planet in general. Your property looks amazing and the horses seem very comfortable there. May this be your best move filled with comfort for you in all ways. May the mystery book come together easily and be a BIG success. Be well, Beth