You’d think the glamour might have worn off by now, but I am always amazed when I talk with an animal as if talking with a person and the animal responds in a way that demonstrates complete comprehension. It’s pure magic and anyone can have this experience without any form of training whatsoever. Here are two of my latest stories.Â
- I was out in the pasture, end of day, tired, cleaning my horse’s feet. I did my Arab, then my mare, and then my Percheron, who picks up his foot easily, but once you have it in hand he sort of leans into it - good fun. So by the time I finished with him I was wiped. Then I had my paint horse left and he sometimes goes wonky with his back feet because of old hip injury issues. So he will sometimes sort of kick and get goofy. I was not in the mood. So I said to him, ‘Cody, please be good. I am really tired. Just let me pick up your back foot a tiny bit, then let me rest the tip of your foot on the ground and let me clean it like that. That way you wont have any discomfort in your hip and you wont have to go wonky on me.’ It was actually kind of scary how he did EXACTLY to the T what I asked.  FYI: I am studying a new form of horse bodywork that I expect will help Cody with his old hind end injuries. I will keep you posted.Â
- Another example: I had to adopt my Mom’s 23 year old cat because he is incontinent and was going downhill. I am trying herbs and another supplement on him that I hope will have him a lot better soon. I wanted to let him mix in with my other cats. So I told my male cat Miles (l year) that he was going to have to be nice - not bite and  not get territorial. I explained all about the old guy and how frail he was. Usually Miles is macho to other male cats, but from the moment I put them together Miles has been the perfect angel. Amazing.
Try explaining this process to someone who has had little to no exposure to animal communication. Ask them to experiment by talking with their animals for a week or so as if the animal can completely understand. Also tell them to ask the animal to do things, like improve a bad behavior, etc. Then tell them to get back to you with the results. And if you have some success stories send them in to the blog.
Dressage Disgrace
I have long disliked most styles of dressage because they force the horse into unnatural postions and are agonizingly repetitive. There are alternatives (see the comments under the video at the site below), and many riders are seeking and practcing a more natural style of dressage.

This is my sister's rescue dressage horse, Garth, an Irish thoroughbred cross from Ireland. He of course is treated like a prince after having been used up as a sport horse and dumped at a lesson stable and almost dying.
Then we have the Rollerkur and hyperflexion. The video at this site shows the result of hyperflexion, in this instance using a Rollkur.
Watch this Dressage Video then take the steps outlined to protest.Â
Dressage horses are subjected to this daily. Let’s ban hyperflextion and the Rollkur from modern dressage.
What a Gorgeous Cat!
 Cool Website
For those readers in the US and for anyone with an interest in things organic, here is a great organic consumers organization with lots of info and an action page. Hours of reading for the holidays….
 Dancing Dog – Must See!
You have to go to this right away because I couldnt find it on youtube so the only connection is to huffingtonpost. Im not sure how long they will have it up. The dog in this video is having so much fun and is sooooo talented. And the guy is so happy with her. It’s a great video.
Pass It On
 If you like this blog please pass it on. Please send in your comments, info, ideas, questions for inclusion. If you have a photo and questions for an animal, send to me and I will set it up so people can practice. Thanks
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The video on the Dressage Disgrace is disgusting. I wasn’t sure what I was going to see, but how could anyone miss the blue tongue! I am a riding student, amateur of course, but it’s not hard to see how cruel that training method is. That is what I hate most about horse competitions–somehow I think a lot of competitors forget why they got involved with horses in the first place. All activity with horses should be about love for the animal, and in the case of competition it should be about a partnership with the horse. The FEI should be ashamed for allowing such horrible treatment of the horse.
Hi Marta
Animal communication is amazing, it is incredible what happens not only in the communication but after. Wow, your Mom’s cat must be one of the longest living cats out there. Has anyone heard of an older cat? Acupressure can be very effective for older animals and is gentle with a healing effect. According to TCM principles and Cheryl Schwart DVM if you gently stroke or hold Kidney 3 (K3 taixi ) on the medial or inside of the back legs, just above the ankle between the
achilles tendon and the medial malleolus it will nourish kidney yin and tonifies kidney yang. It is one of my favorite points. Your animals are all amazing Marta.
Light and love in healing, Susan Pipes
Hi Susan
Great to hear from you and thanks for the tip. Actually Hazel lived to be 24 and my cat Jenny lived to be 26. Whats the secret… all natural care and feeding, does the trick.
Hi Marta
I’ll be going all natural when I get my next animal companion.
The dancing dog video is actually not unusual. It is a full sport where many dogs and people do that type of competition and dances to music. This pair has probably won some competitions. The guy has done a great job in the training and is very creative in what he has chosen. Many, many Golden Retrievers compete in that sport because of the ease of training and adaptability. If you put in “dancing with dogs” in the You Tube search, many videos should come up.
Hi Jackie
Yeah I know that dancing is a competition and there are lots of dancing dogs, but I have just never seen one with such pzzazzzz!