British Petroleum is covering up the extent of the spill and doing nothing useful to stop it or contain it or clean it up. The government and most major media are in lock step with these criminals. The hideous truth is that there may be over a million gallons spewing out per day. Researchers from some Southern Universities went out and determined that the volume is far greater than BP is saying and there are multiple 10 mile long rivers of oil headed toward the Everglades at depths of up to 2,000 feet. (Worst case volume per day is 4 million gallons, see bottom of page on GreenPeace blog
BP was actually the responsible party in the Exxon Valdez spill. According to journalist Greg Palast BP purposely did not contain that spill… the damage could have been stopped. BP is doing the same thing in the Gulf.
We have to make the government take over this spill, control it using university experts and innovate nontoxic ideas (many exist) and get BP out of control. How?  Call the white house, your senators and representatives, your governor (and local officials if you live in a state affected by the spill). Also call the EPA and NOAA to complain. At the very end of the blog I put where to call (or find the numbers) and what to say. You can call even if you don’t live in US. And please tell your friends to call EVERY SINGLE DAY until this is turned around.Â
At the Very Least we should all BOYCOTT  BP, pass it on please.
Here Are Links for Truth About the Oil Spill
You won’t find the truth on Fox News or even NPR you have to go outside the mainstream. Right now this is a cover up.
Go here to listen to Greg Palast talk about how BP refused to … but could have… cleaned up the Exxon spill and there would have been no damage. And now they are doing it again.
Go here to read about the researchers and the oil at depth
A GreenPeace photo of the oil hitting the refuge
Go here to read about a professor who has a nondangerous way to stop the spill
and here to read about lots of nontoxic ideas for large scale clean up
Go here to watch a video from a marine biologist turned fisherman who went through the Alaska spill. She tells the effects of this spill to marine life and to people
Check huffingtonpost daily for updates
Would You Like to Help Me Start Support Circles for the Gulf?
I started a group to do support circles for the wild horses on facebook. We are still developing it so have not put it out there quite yet but will soon. Does anyone who reads this blog want work with me to start a facebook group for the Gulf with me to encourage people to work in small groups to get this turned around? If so email me.
Might Be That The Press is Starting to Smell a Cover UP
BP is controlling who sees what. Here is a video from CBS where BP turned the press away and threatened to arrest them.
Action to Take
I called my senator, Boxer, and her staff person said the best thing right now is to call, call call. She said there are lots of inventors calling with nontoxic solutions but no one will listen to them. She said there are nonstop calls from people upset like me. She advised that we keep the pressure on and expand it. That means call every day and get lots of people to do call. Here are ideas for where to call. I am calling all of these once a day.
White House 202 456 1111
Jane Lubchenko, Head of NOAA – Â 202 482 3436
EPA director Lisa Jackson – 202 564 4700
Your congress people (go here to find) –
Governor of Florida –
Governor of Louisiana –
I’m not sure if any of the other ones would be much use… LOL
What To Say
 BP is covering up this spill not cleaning it up. Demand that the government take this spill away from BP now. Demand that the use of toxic dispersants, which are banned in the UK,  be stopped now – they are toxic to animals and make the oil harder to clean up (but easier to hide for BP). Explain how upset and angry you are. Demand that Obama include  the university researchers and the inventors who have innovative, non dangerous and  nontoxic ways to stop this spill and clean it up. Demand that they take BP off this spill now and do something useful. Tell them that BP has to pay for the damage not the American people. And demand that US go to clean renewable  energy NOW, shut down oil and shut down nuclear – they are too dangerous to the planet.
Please share this with people who will take action and ask them to pass it on.
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Add to that, the dispersant they’re using, Corexit, is more toxic and less effective than others. Its use was banned by the UK. Then why use it, you might wonder? The company that makes it shares executives with Exxon and BP.
BP completely messed up the Exxon Valdez mess which they still haven’t paid for. And now they want us to believe that they are cleaning up and paying for their latest. These fools should be drummed right out of business. I’ve been calling but from what I’ve seen of the White House on the horse issues, I’m not expecting any meaningful intervention from them. Doesn’t mean I’m giving up the efforts though.