Possibly an easier question to answer would be what aren’t we being exposed to! Depending on where you live, you can be being exposed to a number of toxins. Exposure to toxins can occur through pharmaceuticals, vaccines, food, air, water, and soil.

Toxins In Food
For Humans
We are all potentially exposed to genetically modified (GM) foods and pesticides/herbicides in our food. GM food can cause cancer and other serious illnesses. I only buy organic and I grow my own veggies. You can grow in containers even in an apartment. Just make sure you use seeds that are organic.
For Animals
Most pet foods are genetically modified and many of the organic pet foods have had recalls or other problems. At this point I don’t trust the pet food companies anymore and I am making my own pet food. For my horses I do my best to stay away from GM feeds and hay that is GM or sprayed with herbicides.

Pharmaceutical Medicines and Vaccines
A lot has been written about this. I just try to completely stay away unless I absolutely can’t.

In Air/Soil/Water
What is in the air gets into the soil and into the water and vice versa. The earth is a closed system and toxins get distributed and can contaminate every part of the earth. This happened when Chernobyl melted down. It is happening now with radiation from Fukushima, and with the toxic mix from the Gulf of Mexico; toxins are spewing from the epicenters of these disasters and traveling around the world. Pesticide and herbicide use is widespread throughout the world, as is the use of fluoride in drinking water. And finally there is the aerial spraying of nanoparticulate metals in the undeclared and virtually undiscussed climate manipulation program that is occurring worldwide.

To find more about each of these toxins here are some resources.

Genetically Modified Organisms (e.g., GM Food) has been associated with a whole range of physical maladies.

Article on GM and allergies, antibiotic resistance, immune system failure, and cancer.

Article on GM and birth defects, obesity, digestive failure, and infertility.

Enenews is the best site to consult for information on radiation

Post on radiation in air currents

Post on radiation in ocean currents

Gulf of Mexico – Corexit and Synthia
My blogs from the time of the spill have lots of links. Here is one blog on the Gulf.

AP Photo

AP Photo Gulf Oil Spill

To see more just click on Gulf of Mexico in the tags in my blog to the right. The bottom line is that the Corexit is a planet sterilizer. Everyone knew that from Prince William Sound where the environment is still sterile and the workers exposed are all dead. Add to the corexit the synthetic microbe made by Monsanto and injected into the Gulf of Mexico sea floor, that is now mutating and causing the blue plague, deadly infections, now happening in the Gulf states. All of those toxins get into the evaporation, transpiration system and are being distributed globally.

Most people know the effects of these toxins. Dr. Mercola’s site and Natural News are good ones to explore. Just use the search button and you will find lots of articles
Sodium Fluoride (additive to drinking water, toothpaste, etc)

There are many adverse health effects to the body. An important one is that it calcifies the pineal gland which is critical to one’s ability to be intuitive.

Effects of fluoridation
Importance of pineal gland

Nanoparticulate Aerosol Spraying and Ionospheric Microwave Blasting Used for Climate Manipulation
I have written extensively about this on my blog. Here is a comprehensive blog entry for you to peruse.

climate control spraying

The very best site to subscribe to is this geoengineeringwatch.org Read as much as you can about this. It is in my opinion the most important problem we have. We are being exposed to nanoparticulate aluminum in particular and we breathe it in with every breath. It is in the water and the soil and it is killing us, the animals, the biota and the planet.

I can’t tell you what to do. I can however tell you what I do. But I’m not saying amounts. You can research that for yourself.

There are a lot of ways to detox. Below are some things I have tried and liked.

Clay – Clay has a positive charge and the toxins in the body have a negative charge. The clay sweeps through the body and collects toxins that have accumulated. I take clay daily and also give it to my animals. I get bentonite clay from the health store or online. I always add a little fiber because clay can cause constipation. article on use of clay

Juicing and Infrared Sauna – Both juicing and infrared sauna are good for detoxing. Make sure to drink the juice right away (loses potency otherwise) You can make your own infrared sauna.


article on infrared sauna and juicing

Cilantro – Cilantro is supposed to be a heavy metal detoxer. I put it in juices and in food. Article on cilantro

Spirulina and chlorella – Also supposed to be good for the immune system and detoxing

Apple Pectin – used as a detox agent in Chernobyl, attracts free radicals and heavy metals.

Milk thistle – I use this to detox the liver. I get it at the health store or online.

Bacteria viruses, fungus, molds, and cancer, cancer cells cannot grow in an alkaline environment. To alkalinize your body eat more veggies and avoid excess alcohol and caffeine, and reduce or eliminate processed carbohydrates, pharmaceuticals, red meat, and stress. Toxins also make your body acidic.



What I Do

• I squeeze real lemon into water, anytime I drink water. You can add cayenne pepper too. I use Stevia drops to sweeten.
• I use baking soda (Bob’s Red Mill from health food store as it has no aluminum in it) in a glass of water, am and pm on an empty stomach. Article on baking soda.
• I also use Body Rescue drops(from health store) in tea and coffee
• Apple cider vinegar is also good for alkalinizing (this is what I do for my animals). It is easy to make your own.


Here is What I Take

Chloroxygen – The climate manipulation spraying and ionospheric blasting are shredding the ozone layer. There is less oxygen available. Raising your oxygen level is critical and it helps you immune system. I use chloroxygen, which is chlorophyll and oxygen. You can get it at the health food store.

Magnesium citrate – I use this daily, it keeps aluminum from depositing in your body. Magnesium citrate is supposed to be the best most absorbable source of mg. I get at heath store as powder or cheaper on ebay. Signs of magnesium deficiency

Multi vitamin, mineral, probiotics, digestive enzymes and fermented foods – all good to support your system.

Iodine – Iodine protects the thyroid from radiation. I rub betadine on my tummy every morning and the iodine is absorbed through my skin. If you can find an unpolluted source of kelp you can use that to provide iodine.
Article on using iodine and health
Article on iodine and radiation

Here is What I Do
Yoga and exercise are recommended – I do yoga and slow heavy weight lifting.

(Thanks to Jeanne Brouillette for sending me a lot of this information which she got from this source )

Radiation and heavy metals are getting into the soil. Aluminum stunts the root growth. Plants and trees see it as a toxin and stop taking up water and nutrients and thereby die. For your garden there are some things you can do. I put UV plastic over my raised beds to keep out rain and water using groundwater only. I also do many of the suggestions in the article below for soil amendment and detoxification.

Here is a great article for how to protect your garden.

You can get the zeolite stall sweet here


Orgonite cloud buster to combat chem trails


Altogether another question. We are going to have to go out of the box to save this earth. I regularly post about this. Here are some of those posts.

How We View Our Time

Shifting Things

I do believe we can turn all this around. Anything is possible


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