In honor of the people and animals who died in NYC please read the truth about 9-11 at the following sites. In NYC , 30,000 people signed a a petition circulated by families of victims and first responders which calls for a new investigation of 9-11. Here are my best picks for sites to check out:

See who signed the 9-11 petition besides Van Jones and read their thoughts…. (also what I have heard is that Van Jones was ousted by the oil industry working behind the scenes to get him out and stop cap and trade. What a messed up world eh? Nothing for it, we have to roll up our sleeves,  manifest, organize, and just stop this garbage… Start by trashing Fox any chance you get.)

and the funny one:Â

(BTW 9-11 alternative theorists don’t argue that nothing hit the Pentagon, just that it was not a passenger jet plane, more like a missile)

The Truth may set us free….


 Got Couch Potatoes?

On a lighter note, I have started a photo survey of couch potatoes. If you have some good ones please send them . See below:






One potatoe two potatoe

One potato two potato

I took a really great picture of my potatoes and then discovered the photo card was still in the reader attached to my computer rather than in my camera. LOL.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Tina Estes

    Hi Marta,
    Wow, thanks for the 9-11 aside. I have followed much of it closely…and Van Jones is a friend of mine! Not a really close friend, but I know him through work and adore him. How can these guys trash the truly very best people? Van is a pure-hearted god walking this planet in my book. What a beautiful human being he is. To me, that is the real terrorism. Terrorizing people with lies to advance your agenda. A psy-op.
    Cheers to you,

  2. Marta

    Hi Tina

    Wow! You know Van. That is too cool! Well the other thing the REPUGS dont like about him is that he is Mr. Green Jobs and they want to keep trashing the planet and stealing our money… thats what makes them rich. Well for awhile anyway. Then what… the raptures? Oy vey. Enough of this crap let’s shift this folks….

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