No one seems convinced that Michael Vick is either reformed or contrite. Most people who wrote in on the subject felt that his activities in support of dogs are just so much window dressing. I am very much inclined to agree. I worked for a time at a battered women’s shelter and learned a lot about what it took to reform men who were batterers. The rate of reform was probably less than 1% and you had to get them to go to the groups first! To my knowledge Vic hasn’t done any kind of therapy.


Zippy - one of Michael Vick's former dogs

Zippy - one of Michael Vick's former dogs













One commenter to this blog suggested he should be required to pay for rehab and rescue and education. I like that idea! A movement in the making… read a post I wrote on Vick at the following url:–good-things-bad-things


Talking Without the Person’s Permission

Thanks for weighing in on this. It’s good to get other people’s perspective. It looks like everyone felt that animals are their own agents and have the ability to turn away, not talk, etc. if they don’t want to talk to someone. One person thought that there could be some insecurity going on where the person may be worried about what you might find out from the animal. I guess my rule of thumb is I feel I can chit chat with whatever animal I like as long as they want to talk with me. If I feel an animal is in trouble and could use some advice or support I will ask whatever questions I feel necessary to help the animal. However, I never assume that anything I get from an animal is accurate unless I can prove it. So I would never repeat the information but might seek to determine, for example, whether an animal is being abused if the animal told me that. Then I would do whatever I could to help that animal.

For me this issue is most important when dealing with an animal that is in a bad situation. I have no qualms about going around the person, especially if it is known/obvious that the person is abusing the animal. In that case, I will do whatever I can to advocate for the animal while at the same time, if it is possible, working with the person to shift their behavior.

Everyone also seemed to agree that in a crisis, when an animal needs help, if the situation warrants it, and for the good of the animal it makes sense to talk to the animal if you can help, regardless of the involvement of the person. I think the same thing goes for energy healing. If the animal wants it then it makes sense to me to offer it if you are able.


Too Cute

dog chick



Hysterically Funny Video

Ok you are going to have to work a little for this as it is not up on youtube, but it will be worth it. Go to the following url:

Scroll down in the dates until you come to the Aug 11 videos (about 13 rows). Click on Adopt-an-Animal.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Max

    I am totally disgusted the Eagles signed Vick. I don’t think any good acts, even if he made them would ever balance his karma out. In my mind the terror, suffering and distress he caused will flow back to him eventually. He felt bad in prison because of his own situation, anyone with any compassion for animals at all – could never of played a part in the atrocities he committed. I wish the tv companies declined him any airtime at all…he can take his pity party to someone who cares about him. Personally I don’t buy his remorse, its purely related to him being locked up, nothing to do with the suffering those poor dogs endured.

    To balance his awful energy – please take a look at this wonderful project for rescues:

  2. Lois Cheesman

    RE VICK:
    I too am not convinced that Vic has reformed or has much understanding of the suffering he caused. However, I do think everyone deserves a second chance. To the person who suggested that Vic be made to pay for the dogs rehab, he has paid, to the tune of over a million dollars. His money is paying for all the dogs that were rescued for either rehab or permanent shelter. That was part of his sentencing. I do like how the Humane Society is handling the situation. Even though I think Vic agreed to work with the Humane Society just to get his football carreer back, I also think traveling around the country talking to inner city kids about not fighting their dogs will be very therapeutic. What better therapy than to see young boys loving their dogs instead of fighting them. And I think these kids will listen to Vic when he tells them not to make the mistake he did.

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