In my recent quarterly newsltetter, which you can read on my website at the following link:

I have an item in the For Your Information section on Frankenfoods, which are genetically modified foods. Most of the food we eat and almost all processed food is genetically modified. There is a lot of information available on why these foods are not good for you. I have links to some articles on this in the newsletter. Frankenfoods have been linked to allergy problem, immune system weakness, sterility (well, that’s probably not so bad…), digestive disorders, and viral and bacterial infections. If you aren’t buying organic foods then you are probably eating Frankenfood.

These foods are just as bad for animals as they are for people. Most commercial foods are not organic, but even organic dry and canned foods are processed and lacking in the vitalilty that real fresh organic food has. Hence the reason I recommend to go with real food: fresh, store bought or grown, organic meats, fruits, grains and veggies.

If you need help in making the transition to a real diet, a friend and student of mine, Sarah Wadleigh,  just published an ebook on how to go real with your dog and cat’s  diet. It is a great resource. Pass it along!

The Whole Food Recipe BookÂ



I get a never ending stream of stories from people who read my books, tried the techniques, and had some incredible breakthrough. Here is yet another one about one cute dog, Chopper.

I received your books yesterday and began reading Learning their language yesterday afternoon. We have a rescue rat terrier called Chopper (in our pack of 3). We have had him for 2 years, every night I had to lock his crate door to make certain he did not mark in the house or jump on the desks or eat some inedible object. It was never our intention to crate him for so long – but we felt he could not be trusted, unlike our other dogs.



He has two beds in the room they sleep in. So last night I just talked to him out loud and explained – that I am unhappy crating him and I want to trust him not to get into trouble at night. That if he felt it was not too stressful for him to be good he could try sleeping out the crate on his raised bed. But if he felt he just could not help himself it would be best he slept in his crate with the door closed. I asked our other 2 dogs to help him and reminded him peeing and pooping is to be done outside on grass. The big deal is our bedroom door is off this room and we leave the door wide open so the air conditioning can flow into their room and I knew it would be hard for Chops to stay out of our room. He is typical terrier and is pretty hard to control – pretends to be deaf and runs off etc without a twitch of his ears when you call him back, very determined. (Quite the shock when my last 4 dogs have been Border collies) So I leave him to think it over and about half an hour later its bedtime. So I ask him “Well Chops, whats it going to be? Crate or bed?” He sprints to the bed and leaps on it and settles down. Even that he settled down without being confined or cuddled is a big deal.My partner and I were in bed ears peeled to see if he started roaming or heading to our bedroom which of course he *wants* to do. But no, we were thrilled and shocked that in the morning he had not moved off his bed! No mess, no destruction, absolutely amazing! We both made a huge fuss of him and told him how proud of him we are and that he earned more freedom. That he is awesome! wonderful, a great dog etc etc etc

Today we had a big BBQ party for him to celebrate him becoming trust worthy. I also asked him to stay in the boundaries of our garden without me having to leash him while I played with all 3 dogs. Usually he can’t be trusted and clears off – the only way I can control him is on the leash if I have the other dogs with us or take him in the garden on his own with a clicker and treats (being very food motivated I can keep his attention on me that way.) But not for too long his attention span is pretty small generally. But again today I explained I don’t want to leash him, I want him to enjoy more freedom and to please stay our side of the the boundaries and he DID!! So thanks so much for the awesome books – I will work hard on learning how to receive and I have told him that. I think his purpose this life may of been to guide me to better animal communication. But please know you made a huge difference to a little rescue rat terrier today and his Mommies 🙂 Now he can have a much better quality of life and I feel SO happy that he can be treated more like our other two dogs. I don’t want to just be able to tell them what I want – I truly want to hear what they want and what matters most to them etc. Can’t wait to read the whole book, practice and be able to understand what my dogs need me to know and of course communicate with those I have lost .  A big thank you from me and Chopsie.   Max Taylor