whether what you are getting is just your own random thoughts, hopes, fears and expectations, or really intuitive material coming from outside yourself? A student recently posed this question and I find it a very interesting one. There are a few lucky people out there who get a certain feeling or get goose bumps or something else equally telling that informs them when their intuition is at work, but for most people there are no bells and whistles. You just get what you get and have to go check it out to see if its accurate. So there is the short answer to this question: you go check it out. For example, if you were talking to a dog you go ask the person attached to that dog to verify your information, realizing that there are things the dog may have said that the owner either doesn’t recall or isn’t aware of. But let’s look at each element in that string of descriptors in the question. First, take random thoughts: what is intuition if not random thoughts you are capturing? To my mind they are one and the same. What about hopes and fears? Well yes, that is a sticky wicket when you are doing intuitive readings because you may want or fear a certain outcome. For example, when I work on a lost animal case, of course I want the animal to be alive and OK. But I have to put that aside and consciously ask for the truth –  bad or good. If you find that your hopes or fears are interfering with your results go back to the set up phase. State the intention that you get the truth and leave your personal take on things out of the reading; that should help. Finally, let’s look at being influenced by your expectations. This  is a whole other category of potential bias and also a real concern. The first step is to realize what your expectations are and then again consciously set them aside and ask for the truth. For example, if you are talking to a golden retriever, the normal expectation is that such a dog will be happy, love water, be nice to kids etc. Well, not all goldens are like this; inbreeding has led to some unpleasant personality shifts for many breed dogs. The bottom line though is always to go get verification; without that you really only have raw data that is untested.  You have to ground proof it, and until you do you can make no claims about the veracity of what you perceived.
Christmas is Coming…
Click to help out some animal causes – this is a cool deal
Holiday Specials
Between now and New Years take 15$ off any half hour session (consult or tutoring). Buy a session for yourself or a friend or relative. The reading can be scheduled at your or their convenience anytime in the future.  I can email you a gift certificate that you can print out and give as a present. Happy Holidays!
White Christmas
Here are the Drifters
and here is the cartoon version
What to Get Your Cat for Christmas
Santa Brought Me An Early Present!

A little white mini I Â named Finglas - Â Finny for short. It's an elf name from Lord of the Rings. Too cute he is.
Classes in the New Year
I will be teaching a two day workshop in New York City Jan 14 and 15. Please tell any friends who might be interested who live in the area. Here is the linkwith the description of the course and a button for registering with the Open Center. Feel free to pass that on to any interested groups or individuals.
I will be teaching a full spectrum of teleclasses next year so stay tuned for my newsletter in January for the schedule. These teleclasses have proven to be an excellent way for people to learn. There is time in between sessions to practice and get feedback and I see that it is really helping people gain confidence in themselves. Hope to have you in a teleclass next year!
Gaia Report
Occupy is Awesome
I am so encouraged by the Occupy movement. I hope it will tip the scales in our favor and ultimately topple the greedy conscienceless people who are in control of of the world at present. Here is an awesome new protest song, recently performed by the songwriter, Makana,  at a meeting in Hawaii attended by Obama and other top level leaders. They clearly didn’t ask for Makana’s play list before they hired him! http://www.yeslab.org/APEC
WARNING!! OK if you don’t want to get bummed out stop here and skip to the Brain Yoga YouTube at the end of the blog! If you are a truth seeker read on…..
What if a nuclear holocaust fell on the world and no one heard it…..
All the songs and sit ins, bank changings and recalls in the world won’t change the absolute mess we are in. I am so sorry to have to tell you this… but really no one else in the world seems to be talking about it: Fukushima is an absolute slow motion nightmare. I don’t see how anyone can stop it even if they wanted to, were trying to, and had a clue. The reactors there are in China Syndrome. Don’t know what that is? Google it, watch the movie. It means the cores went through the ground and headed to the water table and will probably soon blow up in a Hiroshima type bomb only lots bigger and that will go around the world. Already the radiation is going around the world and there is more of it every single day. It is the biggest disaster since the Gulf. I really don’t see anything short of a miracle that can save Japan or the world ultimately. The effects are now really apparent in Japan. Go to Fukushima Diary  http://fukushima-diary.com/category/column/   and Enenews http://enenews.com/    to see the details, photos etc. Fukushima Diary is the real deal, an activist like you and me telling how things are on the ground. She is now preparing to flee the country. Hope she makes it. As she reports in her daily journals and photos: the trees are dying, the plants are mutating and blooming out of season the way they did in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, mutated animals and babies are being born, people are severely ill with radiation mediated diseases and conditions, and many are now dying in Japan. The equivalent of a Faux newscaster in Japan, laughing about the radiation, ate veggies from Fukushima on his show and he is now dying of leukemia http://enenews.com/german-tv-japan-tv-star-suffering-acute-leukemia-after-eating-fukushima-produce-video . The Emperor, his wife and his daughter are now in hospital. But everyone goes along like nothing is happening. This is truly the strangest time to live in. At the very least we can become aware, face the truth of what is happening, and protect ourselves and our animals as best we can:   See my previous posts since March 2011 and this advice from one of my heros, Christopher Busby : http://fukushima-diary.com/2011/11/look-after-yourself/
We can also wake others up, offer homes to Japanese who want to leave (I have room for a few people) , protest, and use energy healing and manifesting to ask for a miracle. Anyone else have any other ideas? I am truly at a loss. It’s no different for the Gulf – the utter destruction there is also a nightmare in need of a miracle. Possibly the Hutchinson technique (talked about in previous posts, go here to read about it: http://pesn.com/2010/10/27/9501716_Hutchison-Lazaryan_frequency_generator_clears_polluted_Gulf_waters) could help restore the Gulf, but I don’t know what can stop the nuclear monster on our backs. And of course its not just Fukushima…. that’s just the monster we can see right now if we open our eyes. There are failing plants everywhere. Maybe maybe maybe if Occupy helps us get back control of the governments we can at the very least shut down the nuke plants all over the world. Now that’s a goal for 2012.
Brain YogaÂ
Maybe if we just all get smarter we can figure a way out….