New Ways to Manifest…

I have discovered a couple of new techniques for how to manifest - methods for bringing about the changes you want to have for yourself and for the world. These two ideas are from a book by Karen Rauch Carter,…

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Case in Point

One way to understand how intuitive communication works is to analyze the process and the results. Here are a couple of recent cases to illustrate. I talked intuitively with the spirit of a dog who had recently died. One of the…

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Great Questions

 Here are some questions sent in by readers and my responses: Q:  I keep coming up with one question in my mind about when we talk to the animals. First of all, I need no convincing that animals are extremely…

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World Physics Experiment

This looks really interesting. According to the site it was conceived and organized by an international group of physicists and mathematicians.... If true, how cool is that!!!! It starts on November 11 and goes for 11 days. One million people…

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Counseling Animals

One of my professsional mentoring students asked me a question about counseling animals and I thought it would be helpful for you to know what I told her about this issue. She decided to try doing some counseling with a rescue…

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Virtual Practice Coming Up

The next virtual practice group is February 9th, Tuesday. There are three sessions, two require Skype, one is by conference call. The times are for California which is Pacific Standard Time (PST). If you are not sure what the time…

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Rocking Around the Christmas Tree

Check out these cool videos from a dog training group in Hungary. The group is nonprofessional, and is promoting a style of training they call Mirror Method, which is explained in the second video. The third video is dog day…

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They really do understand

 It is hard to get it that animals really do understand us. It does not mean they will always respond accordingly but if you do the experiments you will get the results that prove to you this is real. Here…

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Winning with Intuition

I just worked with a woman and her dog on a behavioral issue. The dog was running lure races but instead of going for the lure was jumping on the dog who was running next to her. I talked to…

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Your Questions

A reader, Dianne, sent in this question: You asked for topic suggestions, and I have one. It's been my experience as someone who can communicate with animals, that animals seem unusually drawn to me. I'd be interested to learn if…

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