Want to learn everything I know?

Join me at my farm in Northern California this November 9 - 13 for a week long Intensive in Intuitive Communication with Animals and Nature. This course satisfies the core curriculum requirements for my Master Program. Listen to the video to learn…

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Learning Intuitive Communication..

Anyone can learn to communicate intuitively with animals and nature because we are all born with the ability. Along the way to adulthood it gets suppressed by societal taboos. For adults in most cultures today to follow your intuitive hits…

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Virtual Practice Group

Want more practice? Sign up for the virtual practice groups I will be offering each month. You need to have had a beginner class from me or someone to participate. If you have not had that we can do a…

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They really do understand

 It is hard to get it that animals really do understand us. It does not mean they will always respond accordingly but if you do the experiments you will get the results that prove to you this is real. Here…

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Your Questions

A reader, Dianne, sent in this question: You asked for topic suggestions, and I have one. It's been my experience as someone who can communicate with animals, that animals seem unusually drawn to me. I'd be interested to learn if…

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New Dog

I finally found a new dog. It took me awhile and didn't go as I'd envisioned. I tried out two dogs before finding the right one. Don't worry both of them got good homes. It was my fault. Bear said he…

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What the bleep…..

DO WE DO NOW? Given the incredibly messed up state of the world, what can/should we be doing ? Well, we probably shouldn't be assuming that by being PC in what we eat, use, drive and etc. we are making a huge…

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What Now???? 2012

One of the reasons I got into anmal communication was becasue of the Hopi Prophecies, or I should say the written interpretation of same. The way I understand it, the Hopi drawings show two roads for our time (which is called…

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Starfire’s Task

Here is another great story in three parts, sent in by reader, Mark Whitney. This is part one. Prologue I was at the Veterans Administration Hospital having my right calf checked over, before heading back to my second year of…

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