Crispy: Was Lost


I wanted to let you know that Crispy is finally home. Someone found her less than two miles from home…..she almost made it….and they had her scanned for a microchip. She was in the area that you had described and I was never able to find her there. I looked for her for a year..almost every day and finally decided her microchip was going to be her ticket home. You said you felt she had gone feral and that was probably because she had gotten really tough and hardened. She came home with a huge attitude and wanted to smack any cat that got near her. Especially when she was eating. I had to give her space for the first few days too. Now she is back to her sweet self and very happy to be home. She responds to her name and knows she is home. She was gone for almost two years and traveled many miles. I will be very careful that she never gets in anyone’s car ever again. Thank you for all your help and I really do feel she was in all those places you had me search.. .I always felt a presence in those places… I was always just a couple days behind.