That was the title of a great science fiction novel. It is also what we sheep are finally doing: looking up and seeing the tic tac toes.

We need to seriously get this. Look for lines in the sky like the ones above, these are trails of metal particulates (aka chem trails) being sprayed into the sky by planes specifically fitted for this. These lines of spray then fan out and cover the sky in particulate haze. This is not jet con trails. If you see a plane making a long white line across the sky get your binoculars; you should be able to see multiple lines of spray coming out each side of the plane.

The inside of the climate engineering planes is fitted for holding the particulate spray. Here is a photo of one of these planes spraying.

Spraying toxic particulates is now done by governments all over the world, ostensibly to combat global warming.

Climate control also includes use of microwave installations (called HAARP installations) to heat up the ionosphere. To understand this please take the time now to watch this short movie promo:

You might also want to listen to this interview by Oliver Stone’s son, Sean Stone, with Dane Wigington, an expert on climate engineering, and founder of the website:

The information in these vides is critical to understanding what is being done to the earth right now by Monsanto and the top money interests in the world.


The short list of what is happening because of this:

  • every time we take a breath we are breathing in nanoparticulates of metals, aluminum, boron, strontium and now fluoride. These cause cancer, ADD alzheimers, asthma….
  • over 200 species are going extinct daily
  • in California, for example, we have lost 90% of the aquatic insects, because when it rains many of the toxins sprayed into the atmosphere come down in the rain.
  • surface waters are now highly toxic for aluminum, among other elements
  • soil is becoming toxic to plants, the ozone depletion and uv increase are frying plants and trees
  • the perps doing this have shifted the polar vortex, on purpose, melting the arctic, killing arctic species, freezing the US and killing species
  • the ozone layer is being destroyed, uv is off the charts and the amount of sunlight we are getting is cut by over 20%
  • the oceans are becoming uninhabitable for life
  • the planet is dying from the smallest creatures on up and we are not seeing it…

Listen to the above interview for the details and go to for the research data. This is not speculation. You can’t run from this. Living in Iceland doesn’t save you. There are HAARP installations everywhere now and spraying is done everywhere. Our earth is a bubble and what is being sprayed into our bubble has no way to naturally dissipate and become non toxic… it just builds up and up all over the planet.

Climate change through human use of oil and coal etc is real, but what we are seeing now is all a manipulation of the climate and weather. Some say there is a sinister agenda behind these practices, but discussing that is somewhat irrelevant. If we don’t stop this now, we will not be in a position to do so. If it was ever well-intentioned, this experiment has gone seriously awry and now is killing the earth. Global climate extremes – the droughts, some of the earthquakes (i.e. those not cause by fracking) super storms, and the movement of the polar vortex – are not caused by anything regular people are doing, they are being caused by world wide climate engineering: particulate spraying and and ionospheric heating through the use of HAARP.

If you go to the website you will find tons of information and thorough documentation of this. Here is a link from the site about HAARP and how it is creating drought and melting the arctic:

How Can We Stop Climate Engineering?

1. Get the word out, end the silence and the cover up: share the website, share a video from the site, share this blog, write about this issue on your social network sites and link to one of the videos. And donate to

2. Get this app that lets you photo and send a pic of chemtrails to your local representatives.

3. Contact local, regional and national government representatives by phone, email, in person and by mail. Tell them this has to stop now.

4 . Do energy work to shift this situation. There are lots of ways to do this, one is energy healing if you know how, another is manifesting. One simple tactic is dowsing with a pendulum, which is explained below.


You can dowse to shift the energy for anything you want to change in life… including climate engineering. The dowsing techniques I have been studying are from Raymon Grace, an old time dowser from Virginia. He has books and cds that you can purchase from his website and a series of youtubes you can watch for free. Raymon has been successful in dowsing to lower crime, get rid of serial killers and rapists, and detoxify water. So it is certainly worth the effort ( a minute or so a day) to dowse to help counteract climate engineering.

Basic yes and no dowsing:

Here is short video by Ramon on how to dowse:

Here is anther I found on youtube about how to use a pendulum to get a yes or no response (It is not the best – for example, it doesn’t take months to get the hang of it, more like a minute…and you are accessing the world of spirit, not your subconscious – but there aren’t any good youtubes on this amazingly). My pendulum swings front to back to indicate yes, and side to side for no.

Dowsing to help counteract climate manipulation:

Dowsing protocol is to ask permission before working to shift something. This link explains that and how to do it:

Once you have permission to dowse follow these steps (that I put together from Ramon Grace’s books and tapes) . When dowsing you are asking the Spirit Guides to help you with whatever your project is. The first round of dowsing will be to remove and clear. To do that you will start your pendulum going in a counterclockwise circle, then let it circle as long as it wants. I say, show me “yes” when you are done (sometimes this can take a few minutes but usually it is quick). To bring in the positive shift, the pendulum should circle clockwise. I wait again for the pendulum to swing yes to see when it is finished.

Remove: (counterclockwise circle with pendulum)

  • scramble the frequency and neutralize all pollutants that have been put in the air, water and soil
  • scramble and neutralize all destructive climate control activities
  • scramble and neutralize all emotions of greed and power that are harming the earth

Bring In: (clockwise circle with pendulum)


  • restore normal sunlight and ozone and repair the ionosphere
  • adjust the frequency of the air to that of pure air
  • adjust the frequency of the water to that of pure water
  • raise the level of the life force of the air and water to 100 %
  • Invite the Spirit of Respect to be in the air, rain, and snow and allow it to positively affect humans
  • Bring all people into full awareness of the threats to the earth and activate people to save the planet

Thank the Spirit Guides for their help.

Do This Daily

Do this every day; it should only take a few minutes. And get active in the movement to expose this crisis.

Thanks and pass this on if you like it.



This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Sarah

    Thank you for this article, Marta! As always, you bring the most practical pieces of your learnings and generously give them to us so we can help make the world a better place.

    1. Marta

      Thanks Sarah… As always you have my back… i really appreciate your support over the years and all the work you do for the animals and the earth.

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