If you are working with an animal and are stuck and not getting information the way you want, try putting yourself in the animal’s shoes, literally. Imagine you are the animal: in your imagination shape shift to be the animal you are talking to. Then just ask yourself, ok as this horse or dog or cat, why am I acting this way, what am I feeling? Then go with whatever impressions, emotions, sensations come up. Once you finish gathering information this way, you will need to reverse the process. In your imagination, see yourself coming back out of the animal’s form and into your own. Then feel yourself you again and energetically clear and separate your energy from the animal. I tend to use this for unusual behaviors, unexplained pains, and the like.
A reader sent in this story in response to last week’s blog
I had an experience with a kitten that suggests that animals recognize us in some way, whether from a past life or perhaps simply recognizing that a person loves animals and can be trusted. I got this kitten from a woman who does cat rescue. He was wild and would not tame down and was not going to be adoptable. He was destined to be a barn cat. I brought him home for a couple of days because the cage at the barn was already occupied by a different newcomer. I couldn’t even get him out of the carrier and into the cage easily, I had to nudge him out with a long handled spoon, with much hissing and spitting.Â
That was a Saturday, and by Sunday I was petting him. He seemed to look at me as if to say, “oh, it’s YOU. I don’t need to act wild anymore!” I have known hundreds of cats and can’t say that I know who he is, but I know for sure that he knew me. Needless to say, he’s part of my family now. Behold the terrifying, wild Bongo, as a baby and as a young cat.     Dianne
Bongo as a baby - on right
Rug and the Barking Dog
We called Marta about our big wooly-bear Persian cat, Rug. He’d had urinary infections and blockages and she had helped us a year ago, sending us to an amazing holistic vet to handle the physical issues. He was stable for the past year on grain-free, non-fish natural cat food , with some ground up glucosamine and lots of water mixed in, and rescue remedy when he gets anxious. But when we returned recently from an extended trip to New York, Rug started spraying around the house again. We couldn’t understand what about our returning home would make him start spraying. We were frustrated and finally called Marta. She had a communications session with him and reported to us that he was upset about a new dog barking nearby. She said he felt unsafe and he was spraying to defend his territory. We said, no, there’s no new barking dog around. And we continued on chatting about other things. Then, my cell phone ‘rang’…my cell phone ring tone is a BARKING DOG (from www.wildtones.com)!!! So I’ve changed my ring tone to a Carolina Wren, had several conversations with Rug about spraying outside (Marta told us that cats think their spray scent is delectable and a wonderful gift to us and that we needed to explain to Rug why we wanted him to only spray outside) and he seems to have stopped spraying.     Tina Estes
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Great to see Rug in your Blog!
He is doing great. He seems to get happier by the day. Has stopped spraying. I read one of your blog entries that talked about animals liking to hear a very particular kind of appreciation. I thought that Rug would like to be known as the King of the Neighborhood because he has such a powerful, even intimidating presence – which has replaced the very scaredycat that he was when we first introduced him to the outdoors. So I started talking to him about how proud I am of him going from being scared of even moving outside to being the king cat in the neighborhood, and started calling him the King. I can literally see him take it in and feel proud. He has started to follow me around more and sleep right next to me at night. I feel closer to him through expressing my appreciation for him and he now wants to be closer to me. It’s wonderful!
Hi Tina
Thanks for the update on King Rug. What you are doing is perfect. It is so simple and over time feels so natural to relate this way to animals, yet the power of it is always amazing!
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