Want more practice? Sign up for the virtual practice groups I will be offering each month. You need to have had a beginner class from me or someone to participate. If you have not had that we can do a half hour tutoring session by phone or skype to get you up to speed. This month the groups will be on Dec 9. You can sign up for one of three sessions:
10am-12noon PST -by Skype
5:30 – 7:70 PST – by US number/conference call
8 -10 pm PST – by Skype (this time is for those of you who live in Au or thereabouts and it will be your Dec 10)
I tried to accomodate all the different time zones! When you sign up I will send you instructions on how to participate. You can practice with my animals and also send in cases for the group to work on. I will email the photos and questions before the group.
About Norman
Your intuitive observations about Norman were right on. Good job! Here are the things I have been seeing about Norman since I’ve had him and responses to your observations about him.
- When we go out in public (in town vs. on a trail) he is scared and disoriented. Loud noises and truck sounds scare him. Kids scare him. He can even start shaking. He kind of panics and doesn’t really realize I am at the other end of the leash.
- He likes to bark/or hound dog bay at everything that isn’t a dog, cat or horse. So all the wildlife have packed it in. No more deer, rabbits, turkeys. They hoofed it over the hill or only come back in the middle of the night.
- Â He likes to sleep on the bed and get under the covers. But he just puts his head under the covers and leaves the rest of his body out????!!!!

- He doesn’t give kisses or licks and clearly was not really loved or coddled. His way of showing affection is to bump his head into you and rest it there. Very cute.
- What’s new in the house is my mom’s 23 year old cat Woggles whom she can no longer care for. Woggles is orange not white but acts more like a rabbit than a cat. I have been dating so there is sort of a new man.
- Norman comes and helps me when I feed the horses and I call him my little helper. He takes the job seriously. He likes to go in the mud and water near the water trough. Doesn’t care about getting dirty.
- Â Norman is wary of people at first but once he gets to know them he is very friendly.
- Of all my horses he has picked Rio, the white one, to hang out around. Rio doesn’t really like Norman, tried to kill him at first and will go after him a bit still. None of my other horses even react to him.
- Norman rolls on his back and tries to bite his tail and he does lots of silly things to get attention. He is very boisterous and loves to run run run.
- Re other observations you made: He is more happy go lucky and self assured. To get attention he jumps up and paws at you with his left paw mainly. He and Bear love each other and play chase and wrestle. They bite each others’ tails. Norman doesn’t have any toys because he chews everything to shreds and eats it. I don’t know if he likes to play ball. Besides the bed he is usually on the couch but has been on a chair a few times.
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Hi Marta,
I did a course with you at Palmwoods in Australia last year and would like to join your Virtual Practice Group, I haven’t been practicing as often as I should so need a little more prompting (or a dead line) to give me the discipline. I have been totally amazed at some of the ‘successes’ I have had when I try, although I have also had some spectacular ‘misses’ as well.
Kind regards
Sandra Walters
Hi Marta
I didn’t do to well on the Norman practice, except I did get that there is a new man in your life!, so I would like to sign up for the practice sessions. Unfortunately I won’t be here this Thursday, 10th but would like to join in the next month. I have Skype downloaded, but have never used it. Please let me know if I can join the group in the new year.
Have a good Xmas, Anne Winning
Hi Marta
What are the dates for the tutorials for January, February March?
Can you tell me how I sign on to it so that I can do the Skype thing? When I looked up your name in the Skype directory there were 3-4 entries, so I didn’t know which one was you.
Thanks, Anne