When you have talked intuitively with an animal and you are checking the information you got from the animal with the animal’s person, how do you explain and deal with it when the person says you got something wrong?
Good questions! Here are some of the more likely reasons why one could get inaccurate information when doing intuitive communication:
- You may be getting inaccurate feedback. The person who is giving you feedback on the information you feel you got from the animal, may not actually know the correct answer, or may have forgotten something that the animal didn’t. Here is an example from my own experience. A student said that my dog liked to play in the water down by the barn. I responded that there is no water down at my barn. Then the next day when I went to fill the water trough I saw that my dog was playing in the water that ran off from the trough. I called my student and told her I was wrong, and she was right.
- You may have some intellectual interference. One of the pitfalls of doing intuitive communication is that you can too easily go into your intellect and start “thinking” rather than feeling.
- You may have made an assumption on incomplete or vague data. Another thing that can happen is you can get some impression that is vague or ambiguous and instead of asking what does this mean, you make an assumption. For example, if you are asking an animal about his past and you get the word rescue, you cannot assume he was at a shelter. Animals get rescued in all kinds of ways. They can be found in the road, saved from a neighbor, and etc. So it is wise never to assume anything, but to go back in intuitively and ask for more detail until you have a more complete story.
- You may be tired, sick or otherwise not in top form. If you are not feeling your best your intuitive abilities may be compromised. For example, I never work when I am tired. It is also true that someone who is really skeptical can throw you off intuitively. That’s why I don’t like working with a confirmed skeptic. Also, if you have performance anxiety you may find your intuition is inhibited.
If you find you have any of these blocks or tendencies we can schedule a private tutoring session to resolve them. The bottom line is you most likely won’t be 100 % accurate all of the time. Most well known psychics say this too–80% to 90 % is a good goal.
The above issue was the lecture topic for the March Animal Communication Practice Group. I host an online (by Skype or phone) Practice Group in Animal Communication once a month at the beginning of each month (usually the first Tuesday). The next practice group is April 2nd. You are welcome to join if you would like. Each month we have a different lecture topic and participants practice communicating with each others animals. A Beginning Class in Animal Communication is a prerequisite. If you don’t have that you can email me – marta@martawilliams.com or call me at 707 987 1092 to work with me by private tutoring to fill this prerequisite.
My New Book – My Animal My Self – Release Date May 2013
My new book will be out about Mid May. I will be sending out a special email just to announce the publication. If you are not on my email list you can sign up on my website. You can also pre order the book on the online book sites if you like. This book explains in detail how to detect mirroring between you and your animal, whether it be on the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level. In truth your animal often reflects you on many

Cia and Akasha. Cia’s story about how Akasha led her on the right path for her work and life is in My Animal My Self.
levels and each animal you have can reflect a different aspect of your inner or outer world. It is just hard to see this clearly, especially with your own animals. Its fairly easy to see exaggerated cases of mirroring, like when an animal has the same exact physical problem as the person, or when a person is extremely nervous and their animal is too. But it’s much harder to see the typical, subtle mirroring that is going on with animals and their people. This is even more true when you are trying to analyze your own relationship with your animal. That is why I designed an extensive questionnaire that will show you the hidden dynamics going on between you and your animal. You can fill the questionnaire out for any animal, past or present, and discover the hidden teaching and healing that animal is offering you, or gave you in the past.
The Shopping Dog
Nice Shopping Outfit!
Upcoming Classes
One Week Intensive – May 20- – 25
There is still space in my one week intensive. This is the best way to blast through your blocks and find your confidence as an animal communicator. This course is designed for the beginner and or those with some experience. Sign up now to reserve a place at the nearby ranch I have reserved for participants’ lodging. Spaces there are limited. In this course I cover everything I know how to do. We will be working into the evening a few nights to be able to cover it all, so it really is a total immersion. Might find time to go to one winery, since I live in prime wine country and we can also go one night to the nearby hot springs, but otherwise be prepared to work! I give discounts off the course fee for classes you will be retaking. Contact me if you have questions.
Vermont Book Event and Courses
May 31 Book Reading, My Animal My Self – Phoenix Books Essex, VT 7pm
June 1 – 2 – Workshops in Essex VT – Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced Animal Communication, Mirroring Between You and Your Animal
June 3 – 5 – Workshops in Goshen VT – Talking with Horses, Intuitive Agriculture, Animals as Teachers and Healers, Mirroring
Upcoming Teleclasses
Practice Group – April 2
Advanced Animal Communication – April 8, 15, and 22 (Beginning prereq)
Talking with Your Own Animals – April 10 and 17 (Beginning prereq)
Sign up on my website.
The Fun Way to Wash Your Windows
Earth Update
Being alive at this time in history is no easy task. You don’t need to go any further than the daily headlines at http://enenews.com/
Record high sea lion deaths in S. Calif….
Southern Tokyo contaminated…
Fukushima contamination spreading…
Sinkhole in Louisiana growing…
on and on
The question always arises … How do we live with this insanity and destruction? The answer is that we may not.. We just might not survive all this. As I have said many times in this blog, if we do it will not occur through old paradigm solutions. My best advice for how to cope is this: ask to be shown the best way for you to help, the best thing for you to do. Advice will come from your intuition and or from some external source. It really doesn’t matter where the help comes from as long as you get the guidance. Pay attention and follow your intuition. That is really the same as saying follow your heart, as intuition is rooted in your feelings and often informs you through feelings.
As I mentioned in my last blog, I was looking for the best path for myself in terms of helping wild horses and burros and discovered Wild Horse Education in the process. Here is their latest mailer with a new music video, including a song about the mustangs by Maria Daines and Paul Killington called “Set Us Free”. Make sure to scroll to the bottom to watch the video and please support the efforts of this group.
Set Us Free
Last But not Least………What Can One Say?…OMG
OK … how many times have you watched it so far? LOL
“Maggie, One, two, three…Catch!”