That was the question recently posed to me by one of the students who took my professional series a few years ago. She said she talked with a woman’s cat and the woman said everything was wrong wrong wrong. Nothing like that to brighten your day, eh? We talked on the phone about it and I told her that everyone who does animal communication intensively can and probably has had this experience. There are many reasons why a case can be “all wrong”. Here is the short list:

  • the communicator has perfromance anxiety and is not connected well to the animal. or for some other reason is not physically. emotionally, or mentally optimal (i.e., you can’t do this if you are really upset about something in your life)
  • the client is in denial about the animal, has some kind of emotional/mental problem,  or just doesn’t know the animal well (it happens)
  • the communicator slips and makes assumptions or starts analyzing and trying to figure things out vs just receiving impressions

Beyond why you can be off on a case, she wanted to know how to deal with it. She was feeling like it was time to quit. My response was that doing intuitive work forces you to face your insecurity and to learn how to find and trust your inner truth. It can be a very challenging field, but it can lead you to a place of strength and truth you won’t find elsewhere. I told her that I had had the same experience as she had a number of times and I just politely told the client that I must be off for some reason and let it be. I then worked to analyze the reasons and did what I could to address the core issue. My advice to my student was the same:  look at how to address the possible causes that were within her control,  and realize that there is always the possibility that what she got was accurate and the client just couldn’t or didn’t want to see it. Sometimes you just have to live with that kind of ambiguity. I also advised her to go back to doing first impression practicing with friends’ animals as a way  to take the pressure off and also have some quick and easy successes to build back her confidence.

If you have a question about your practice please send it in. I will be happy to answer it in the blog.

Clean Your Screen

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Practice Tomorrow

It’s not too late to sign up for the practice groups tomorrow. Go to my schedule page to register

or call or email if you have questions.  Note: to participate you have to have had some beginning experience with me or elsewhere.

Action Alerts

If you have not already, please sign the petition to ban the rollkur in dressage

Also, if you are not aware of the what the US government is doing the wild horses of America, read here and please get involved in turning this around.


A beautiful quote from Howard Zinn, the great historian and liberal advocate who just died.

To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness. What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something. If we remember those times and places — and there are so many — where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act, and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction. And if we do act, in however small a way, we don’t have to wait for some grand utopian future. The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Rebecca Trono

    Oh, I feel for your student! This has definitely happened to me, and it’s tough to pick yourself up and get going again. There have been several times when in the course of doing a communication with the person saying, “Nope…that’s not him/her”, that it dawned on me that there might be another animal in the home. This was the case, and I was communicating with another animal! But also, I have found that sometimes the person is the one in the wrong, as you mentioned, Marta, or perhaps doesn’t want to consider the animal’s viewpoint about their own lives. And there is a real skill in not interpreting/analyzing the information, just putting it out there and suggesting different aspects of the information. So often it clicks, or will later. Please tell your student to hang in there! No one’s going to be 100% on target all the time, A/C is such a subtle thing. She’s in very good company in experiencing such disappointments!

  2. Chrisite

    Thanks Marta and Rebecca. I’ve felt that “wrong” feeling a lot in learning this process and it very nearly has made me feel like quitting. But I’m hanging in and feel so blessed when I do get hits and confirmations from people. So thanks for the encouragement. I won’t let it get me down.

  3. girl georje

    I think there is another possibility to look at, and that is the hard core closet skeptic who will nay say everything short of a miracle because of strong inner conflict about the possibility of animal communication. Part wants to believe and the inner skeptic just doesn’t.
    I have experienced that myself when visting an astrologer, part of me wants answers and help from the universe, and my inner skeptic says why am I wasting my money, anyone could make this up. I found myself feeling cranky toward the astrologer who actually had some words of wisdom.
    For me animal communication is a proven, but I ‘ll need to shake hands with a Romulan before I’ll really believe in space aliens.
    Anyway, I love this blog, when I’m feeling low it always cheers me up.

  4. Eileen

    Hi Marta:

    Your blog was an actual answer to a prayer today! I did a reading of a friend of a friend’s dog and everything I got was wrong. This is unusual for me, but it was very disturbing and disappointing and a bit embarrassing to say the least. I prayed that I could learn from this and hopefully find out why and use that information to avoid having this happen again. I checked my email later and there you are with my answer. After reading your blog, my failure must be due to what is going on in my life now with the loss of two friends and my husband losing his job. I guess I am not handling it as well as I thought. Thank you, it is just what I needed to keep me going!

  5. Ann Walker

    I had a similar experience once. I was giving a client a tarot reading and could see very strongly papers being signed about a child and something to do with overseas. She denied this vehemently and when I stuck to it folded her arms, glared at me and sai she had no idea what I was talking about. I told her I was just telling her what I saw. I then went on with the rest of the reading. When she left she turned round at the door and said “I suppose I might as well tell you, we are adopting and Asian child and the papers came through yesterday.’ I could only stae dumbfounded and wonder why she came to a reading at all to deI was correct. However I was grateful she did tell me as my self confidence had atken a big dip!
    Not about animals I know, but this intuitive business is all the same.

  6. Jade Hawks

    I agree with Ann! Having done tarot counseling for the last 30 years there are still times when I’m reading for a new client and they either sit there like a stone (no responses, no facial expressions, nada!) or I’ve the ones who want to dispute what I’m saying. It usually turns out that what I’ve said was spot on and terrified them that I “knew” all this stuff…LOL So I explain to them it doesn’t stay with me – I’m just the vehicle for the messages. I haven’t worked with other people’s animals that much yet, but when I do I still have that sense of “what if I’m off track here?” So, we all have our “human days” when confidence is not too high. LOL

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