How We View Our Time

There is so much wrong in the world and it is so horrendous. In the course of working to wake people up to the issue of climate manipulation, I have heard a lot of philosophical takes on our time. Here are a few:

  • there is nothing we can do, so I don’t really want to know or hear about what is wrong
  • if you give attention to what is wrong it makes it grow
  • what you are saying (about climate manipulation, or the Gulf, or Fukishima) is wrong and could not be true- you will have to prove it to me
  • thanks so much for doing something about it
  • well at least if we die off the earth can go on and hopefully thrive once again without us
  • we are all ascending and the earth is evolving , this is all natural

My responses to the above: There just may be something we can do, so for the planet we must try until we die; we owe the earth our assistance for all she has done and still does for us. How is the earth dying any different from finding out you have cancer? Would you not look for a way to survive? As for not giving attention. That is not how manifesting works. You start where you are and acknowledge it, then you manifest for things to change. So go ahead and dowse and do energy healing for things to change, but don’t ignore that the earth is dying… she deserves more than that from us. It is not my job to lead somone by the hand and prove things. People have got to do their own research on this and find out for themselves that it is true. See below for a place to start with your research.When people thank me for what I am doing and do nothing themselves it is a cop out… and the earth is in dire threat of dying. No one can opt out of this and expect to have their life just continue on. We could all be dead in a year or less if the ice caps melt completely. As far as the earth being fine without us, I would not bet on that. If a venus syndrome is triggered, temperatures on the surface could go to 800 degrees. And if the evil agents who are behind all this some how manage to survive and reclaim the earth, then the earth would be in the hands of the worst possible managers one could imagine. As for the ‘this is normal and how things should be’ – that is just new age mumbo jumbo cop out. The earth does not deserve for us to turn our backs on her in her hour of need. She has never done that to us.


Update on Geoengineering…. aka Putting the Earth in a Straight Jacket

Bat Photo – The photo at the top of the blog shows bats with nose fungus. This disease is wiping out the bats all over the world and is likely caused by the nanoparticulate spraying that is going on day in day out of metals and other toxins. There is no mask that can block these chemicals out and they acidify our bodies and the environment which is leading to heightened fungal growth in the environment and in plants and animals.

I have been studying climate manipulation (aka geoengineering) for over a year, and I now believe that it is most dire threat to this planet, aside from all out nuclear war. Bigger than Fukushima, fracking and the corexit in the Gulf, climate tampering is taking us to the brink. Most people are not even aware of the magnitude of the problem, or they consider the issue a conspiracy theory, even though there is ample proof of the fact that climate manipulation is going on all over the world every day, and the fact that it is damaging the earth, perhaps beyond repair.

The best site I have found for information is

Dane Wignington, the researcher who founded the site, has described geoengineering as putting the earth in a straight jacket: the earth can do nothing to balance things or try to go back to normal; everything about the weather now is controlled. In essence the players behind all this have managed to become gods and have put the earth in a straight jacket – the entire global climate system is shut down.

If you go to his site you will find ample evidence (there is a search section) to prove this is happening:

  • results from samples for environmental media (snow , lichen, soil, water) and humans (blood, hair, etc) showing elevated levels ve chemicals like Aluminum and Cadmium have been sprayed in the atmosphere
  • documentation of spraying taken in the air flying next to a spray tanker
  • thousands of photos of spraying taken by private citizens all over the world and posted on social media
  • satellite pictures of tampering with the upper atmosphere.

We all have the proof of out own eyes that the skies are not what they used to be.

We are now on a trajectory to create a runaway greenhouse effect and the venus syndrome – which means the earth will not be able to deal with the methane coming from the melting ice caps and temperatures will just keep rising.

In my next blog I will go into the why and who of all this, but for now people just need to get it that this is happening and not some theory put forward by unscientific silly people. And people have to get active.


What We Can Do

1. Educate yourself. Dane’s site has most of the information you need.

2. Wake people up. share info, videos from Dane’s site. Print out his handouts (all are excellent) and take with you to give to people. Use his template to get some cards made and take them with you , hand out wherever you go. Also share Dane’s posts on social media. Talk to all your friends. We may not have much time to turn this around… if we can.

3. Check out the world protest April 25 and go to one if there is a protest in your area. Otherwise, go to an earth day event and hand out flyers and cards.

4. Pray , do energy healing, use manifesting, do dowsing… I updated my dowsing instructions so see my last blog for that.