When I talk with people about the world we end up concluding that it is so overwhelmingly fubar that conventional solutions won’t make a dent in turning things around. We will need new and weird tactics like this invention for cleaning up plastic in the ocean.


Many such cool ideas pop up every day, but no matter how inventive we get, there is the overriding issue of the psychopaths who are are in control right now. Even my sister, who used to question my conspiracy theory postings, sounds like me now when she calls. People are finally getting it that, for whatever reasons, the crazies seem intent on killing this planet.

So what do we do about it? Who knows? Who has ever had to confront the challenges we face? I believe social action is key; groups like Occupy Now, and those organized against GMO, fracking – you name it- have to get bigger and stronger. Like what happened in Turkey (see this short cool video on that).


It is also crucial that people and groups, even whole cities, go sustainable and self sufficient. You should have no trouble finding a group in your area that you can join and assist.

But I don’t think any one thing is going to make the difference. If indeed we can salvage this earth, it will probably be through a combination of the above and other actions yet to be revealed. For sure we can’t sit back and do nothing. Below is another easy action that could help, and won’t hurt.

Energy Healing and Manifesting for the Animals and the Earth

You can do this individually and/or find a group of friends to do this with in person or from a distance. I would recommend doing it regularly. I am doing this daily.

Energy Healing

Energy healing is all about intention. You can study to get more adept, but here is a really basic guide:

Intend that your energy is protected. Intend that you bring healing energy into your body from the earth and from the universe; feel the healing energy mix in your body, healing every cell. Allow some of it to come through your heart, down your arms and out your palms. Intend that that energy is available for healing. Offer it (don’t send it or push it) to whoever or whatever you want to help heal: the earth, the animals, etc. Let the energy be drawn as needed, more comes in its place, you are just the channel. As you offer the healing energy, see and feel the changes you want to have happen. Imagine your dream as you offer the healing. Stop when you feel the session is complete. Have the intention of disconnecting from the healing energy sources, and go back to your normal energy state, clear and refreshed.

Manifesting (for the earth, the animals or yourself)

Come up with a short catchy phrase for what you want and phrase it as if it has already happened. Example: We turned the tide and saved the planet. Work on it until you really like it , how it sounds, how short and easy it is to say, how it makes you feel, … change it til its perfect .. and you can keep changing is to make it more perfect.
When ever you think of what you want, or start to think about how much you don’t have what you want.. just cancel all thoughts and think the positive short phrase or say it out loud. Ask for help from spirit which can be anyone or anything not in a body that you believe is out there helping you, or just ask the Universe to help. Write your phrase and post it around your house so you see it a lot and say it out loud often. Spend a minute or two imagining what you want with all your senses. Focus especially on how you would feel, what you would think, how things would be different if it were true.

To manifest in a group, do all this together and out loud, then imagine/visualize together. You can do this in person or agree on a time to work together from a distance. You may want to set a regular time to do a group manifesting session and or combine it with a potluck or some other regular activity.

Drumming for the Animals

In my last newsletter ….

see here and sign up if you want to be on my newsletter mailing list –http://martawilliams.com/NewsletterV16N3.html

…. I mentioned Titia, who is drumming with others on a regular basis for the animals. Here is a photo she sent of drumming to a camel in Egypt.

If you are a drummer and would like to coordinate your drumming with her event you can contact her by email titia.sluiter@hetnet.nl and you can connect with her on Linked In. Her drumming group is called Soul Drum and meets the first Sunday of the month, 10 – 10:30 am Netherlands time (might be a bit early for NA folks).

My Animal My Self – Reader Reactions

My new book, My Animal My Self: A Breakthrough Way to Understand How You and Your Animal Reflect Each Other, has been out for about a month now and i have been asking readers how they are reacting to it. Everyone I’ve asked has really liked it and says it is easy to read and well written – that it feels like i am right there chatting. Those I’ve interviewed also say that in reading the book they have had amazing insights into the significance of the animals in their lives. One person realized that her cat was taking on her immune system issues. Another told me that the dog she really didn’t want turned out to be her best teacher in life.


I wrote this book to help you see the hidden connection between you and your animals, past and present. Invariably you will find they helped you heal or brought you incredible teaching. This book gives you a whole new perspective on the depth of your relationship with the animals in your life. It is available in bookstores, in online stores and through my website.

Upcoming Teleclasses

Here are my upcoming teleclasses. Contact me by email or phone if you want to sign up.

Talking with Nature – July 24 and 31

Practice Group – August 6

Death and Beyond – August 12 and 19

Finding Lost Animals – August 15 and 22

Repeat a class for practice for half price.


What Dogs Teach Us

This is a really sweet video.


Your Questions

Q – When you say, “Ask the library,” are you talking about working with your spirit guides? Also how do you feel about working with guides?


A – When I refer to the universal library, I mean all the knowledge that exists, which may also be referred to as the akashic record. I think of spirit guides as any beings in spirit, not in body, who you think might want to help you. For me that can be any animals or people in spirit I have known and any spirits of the earth, which can include for me beings like an angel or some animal or person who appears in a journey or a dream. Some people think of a deity as a guide. I believe it has been extremely helpful for me to work with guides and would recommend that you try it and see what happens for you.


Backyard Chicken Rant


Fire Season Disaster Preparation
Here is some great advice for being prepared for a fire.



Vaccine Controversy

This is a pretty good explanation of why many people are avoiding the use of vaccines for their animals.



If you like it, share it.

Chow, Bella