Here are some tips for getting unstuck if you are doing an intuitive communication with an animal and getting nowhere.

  1. Ask the animal why you aren’t getting anything and find out if the animal has some issue that needs to be addressed.
  2. Ask yourself, ‘What does it feel like the answer is’, or ‘How does it feel that the animal feels. In other words, go with your feelings.Â
  3. If all else fails, make yourself make your best guess to get your intuition working. Then check out what you got with the animal’s person.


 Horse Rescue

 This is a simply amazing video of a horse rescue. I won’t be riding over any railroad trellises in my lifetime,  thank you very much.

Horse RescueThe funniest videos are a click away

Free Horse E Magazine

My student/friend Barb Fenwick in Canada just started a free horse Ezine you might want to subscribe to. Here is the url


Colds and Flu

I got a cold half way through my  trip to Europe this year and had to figure out how to deal with it. Cold season is coming up and then we have the specter of the swine flu looming, so I thought I’d share some home remedies for colds and flu and see what ones you have. The first and easiest is washing your hands a lot, gargling with warm salt water and doing a sinus wash with salt water (tip your head back and, using a cup, tip a tiny bit of warm salt water into your nose, let the salt water run up your nose, through your sinuses and down the back of your throat) – it stings but it works to kill the virus and bacteria. For colds and flu a reader recommended getting an onion, cutting just the tip off to expose it, and putting in your bedroom (and other rooms of house). Apparently this is an ancient cure for plague, etc. The onion is said to absorb the bacteria and viruses. Who knows? But it costs about five cents to try it. If you try the onion cure, make sure to put the onion where no animal can get at it as onions are possibly toxic to dogs and cats. I also took the homoepathic remedy for flu and colds that you can get at the healthfood store,  oscilloco. On the planes I used lemon essential oil (one drop internally and a dab in each nostril) to ward off germs. When I got to the UK I had to break down and go to an accupuncturist, for although my cold was pretty mild, it wasn’t moving to get better. After the accupuncture, I got better within a day.

With regard to the flu vaccine, personally, I wouldn’t go near it. It is untested for one thing, and I feel that we way overvaccinate ourselves and our animals. Eating only organic, taking minerals and vitamins, taking probiotics and enzymes for the digestive system, getting toxins out of the environment, and regular exercise are the best ways to stay healthy and fight off disease for people and animals. There has been a lot of buzz on the internet about the vaccine and how it may become mandatory to take it…let’s hope not. But just in case, one reader sent in this advice for what to do:

How do you protect yourself from mandatory swine flu vaccines? If you have to get the shots, load up on these before and after the shot: Vitamin C (natural) not synthetic, cilantro, chlorella and phytoplankton if you can get it. Having adequate vitamin D in your system is also important, that means expose most of your body to the early morning sun for at least 30 to 45 min if you can.




Why Dogs Hate Halloween

halloween 3 halloween 1

halloween 2 halloween 5

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Ruth

    Thank you for the great articles on your blog. I foound every one of them to be helpful and or entertaining.

    Your the best!

  2. Gonny - NL

    I donot understand why people like to dress up their dogs, you could sense they hate that.

    By the way all the candy is gone by now
    Halloween 20.00 pm

  3. Gege

    Some remedies that I carry with me and have been really beneficial are Zands Throat Spray, herbal mist with Echinacea & Tea Tree oil and Oil of Oregano ( which I drop directly on to my tongue, it’s intense but works!)
    A couple of daily sprays of Rescue Remedy as well as Rescue Sleep at night is helpful and along with the nutritional suggestions in your blog.. trying to get 8-9 hours of sleep really helps. NO flu shots for me either! Since I work with children I wash my hands constantly, as well as teach them to do so..but it’s interesting how many people don’t. It’s an easy and cheap precaution.

  4. girl georje

    My preferred cold flu remedy in the chinese patent formula Yin Chao use the non coated pure herbal ones. If taken at first sign of flu or cold 3xs per day I usually won’t get ill at all. The other cure is drink lots of water with lemon, and hot lemon honey and garlic. also suck on zinc lozengers if a sore throat is coming on. and sleep! those hallloween pictures are hysterical!

  5. Alice - NL

    Love you blogs and loved the Counselling-course you did in NL.
    Just wanted to remark that the Oscillococcinum is made from the extract of heart and liver of a Muscovy duck, so it is not suitable for vegetarians.

  6. Jane

    Welcome back!
    And to add to the great list of helpful remedies above here is a link to a specific swine flu homeopathic prevention/cure download that you listen to, and can take with you on your Ipod. Go technology!
    Has proven effective with a few friends who have succumbed….

  7. Marta


    I dont have the time right now to figure out how to leave an individual reply so here is a group one…

    Alice – thanks for the tip. See others contributions for vegetarian rememdies. I will be trying those instead. And please tell me when your book is out. I will put it on the blog and on my newsletter and website. Yay!

    Ruth – thanks so glad you like the blog

    Brenda – I had a blast with you in Vlieland. we have to go to Ireland now right?

    Jessica – Thanks so much for doing the horses feet with me. It was a highpoint of my visit to Vlieland. I do realize that makes me a bit odd….

    Gonny – Uk went great. Met some great people and had a blast. Then I came home and crashed. Just putting my head above water now.

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