I asked myself….. that more people aren’t calling and emailing about the spill? Why aren’t people in the streets about this? I think there are a few possible reasons:

– the spill is perceived as a local, albeit large, disaster that wont touch you if you are not in Alabama, Florida, Georgia or Louisiana (this one is huge I think)

– people feel completely helpless have no clue what to do and are overwhelmed. Read” If you don’t know about it you don’t have to suffer. As in don’t show me the horse slaughter pictures please. (this is huge too)

– people have not yet quite figured out that most of the media are handmaidens for BP and every other corporation out there, ie, Â they are soulless liars.

– no one has taken the time (it is sloggy work) to read the posts, follow the links and find out the truth behind this behemoth

– most people are not cursed as I am with the quadruple whammy of being a biologist, an intuitive, a former wildlife rehabilitator and a toxic expert

Did I leave anythng out?……

AP Photo

For pictures of the oil hitting the wetlands, photos BP does not want you to see, go here


So then I asked myself how… How can I possibly write something that will get through, not alienate….but still tell the truth as I see it. I decided to tell you how I have been feeling.

I am bereft- Those animals in the Gulf they are my babies. I didn’t have any babies… all the animals on earth are my babies. And BP just murdered about a trillion of them, if you add in the the shrimp and coral and microbes that sustain all life in water and on land. I think about all the sperm whales, dolphins, whale sharks, dead at the bottom of the gulf, killed by the deadly toxin Corexit that EPA refused to stop BP from spraying. The oil didn’t kill everything the Corexit did it and BP made sure it all sank to the bottom so you wont see or know that all those animals are DEAD now. I think about them dying from poison, suffocating, sick, like the workers who are coming into the hospitals now….and I start crying and I cant stop…can not stop. When I see the pelicans so loaded with oil they cant fly or hear of birds mobbing a pile of dying fish, starving for food because all the fish are dying or gone, and know the birds will die too because those fish are toxic, I start crying and I cant stop. When I see the oil in the marshes 65 miles long and 12 miles deep and expanding as I write, and the birds coated, their eggs coated, the fish coated, I start crying and cant stop.

I have been so upset that I cant work well. I spend a lot of time researching trying to find why this happened and how to stop it. Trying to find out how bad it is. What I found out made me cry even more… I dont know if I can  stand to see ecosystem after ecosystem, beautiful animal after beautiful animal, species after species MURDERED.

I am not sure what to do… I can only pass on to you what I have discovered and what I think we have to do. I am still waiting for people who want to help with the facebook site, with activism…if you want me to I will tell you ideas for what to do. So far I only have solidly three  people coming forward of all the people I have emailed, facebooked. One of the people who is helping said her friends are shunning her now and her partner wants her to stop thinking about the oil spill. Right…..

Here is why that is not an option:

There may well be two leaks, one far larger and at a greater depth. Estimates I trust put the volume of oil gushing at 4 million gallons per day. This oil could have been sucked up from day one by oil tankers (the smaller ones can get into the gulf no problems) but BP and the US government have done nothing to clean up this oil NOTHING. Is is as if they want the oil to spew and spew.EPA knew Corexit was DEADLY and let BP put a million gallons of it into the ocean.  Corexit is toxic: it causes red blood cells to collapse, wrecks your kidneys and lungs, and kills you. It kills all aquatic life at very low levels,  and robs the oxygen out of the water. It is being evaporated as we speak and will rain down on all of the east including Canada,according to a link going around Russian scientists are predicting dire things for the east coast of North America.No one is doing anything… just a bunch of headless chickens ……. and the US government stands by … knowing that tankers could help, knowing the Corexit will kill the planet… and does nothing. It is Katrina and Chernobyl to the power of 100 . This could kill our planet. Right now there is no end in sight for this leak and the gulf is black with oil.

We need to force our government to take over, get tankers to the gulf now and use whatever  innovative ways can be tried to remediate the coastline and somehow detoxify the corexit detoxify This has to happen NOW.

It does not help that this event is one of the alleged Hopi prophecies….

Someone posted me the other day on the facebook site (Gulf Oil Disaster Support Circles) and said, “Glad you got your second wind Marta, You are a warrior.” Â

I guess I am….. want to join me?

You can go to a protest, start a protest, write letters to the editor, find out how to get to famous people who might get on the press and tell them to speak up (demand tankers and remediation of the oil and toxins…that’s what we need more than anything), call your congress people, form a support circle.

If youare on facebook join me there at – Gulf Oil Disaster Support Circles

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Elizabeth

    I had no idea it was this bad. I am in Australia, and fear something like this could happen here.

  2. Dian Woni Lea

    I can’t think what to do. And maybe that’s the point. This is suppose to happen, it is God’s business. Scares me to my soul. I have grandchildren just graduating High School. Is this the beginning of the end? If I believe reality is perfect, that what happens is part of a greater plan, I must just take it moment by moment and do what is put before me. I will continue to call the White House, write letters, step up on Facebook and make the truth known. But after that, I have no controll. It’s not my business…it’s God’s, however you define that creative power of the Universe.

  3. Karen Anderson

    Thank you for your post, Marta! I, too, am crying and crying. I feel so helpless. I hope our dear Mother Earth can survive. I fear this is truly the beginning of the end of life as we have been so privileged to know it. Again, I feel so utterly helpless. I felt intense anger for awhile. Then, I seemed to realize that greedy, corrupt BP along with our greedy and corrupt government truly don’t have a clue as to how to stop the leak. Ah…but then, there’s the Corexit. What insanity! My mind just cannot comprehend their actions. I keep pleading for help from those on the inner planes but perhaps this travesty is too massive for even GOD.

  4. Michelle

    Yeah, loving animals doesn’t mean burying ones head in the sand to avoid the pain of awareness of what’s going on. It means stepping up to the plate and speaking out on behalf of all the creatures that have and will die form this. I have emailed all of my friends asking them to call and write Obama, the EPA, etc. etc. I hear back from very few. Most of my “friends” ignore my emails, they’d rather pretend like it won’t affect them. Unfortunately, there are very few human souls brave enough to confront what we do to non-humans head on and try to do something to stop it.

  5. Mary Nelson

    Dear Marta, I do not have a facebook page. In fact I don’t know how to get on.
    Thank you so very much for writing. Yes, I feel as you do. I also am crying and crying. I have been making phone calls, I have been sending your blog, I have been talking and talking to people and called the line to Obama. This oil spill is the most tragic thing that has ever happened–yes Hiroshema, Cherbonyl and our wars are also tragic–but this is killing everything: the plants, the sea life, people’s businesses and more. There is more Marta. I believe bad things are caused by greed–don’t send in tankers, play down what BP has done, don’t make anyone in the oil business upset–Get oil to the world, but kill the world. But what is our up coming generation being taught. Kids are raised to want more and more without being responsible for the consequences. One of my big campaigns is the way we are raising our children. Our grandchildren receive presents from the other grandparents upon every visit, every week. The kids don’t learn to be caring, they don’t learn to appreciate nature, they don’t know the joy of working for what they need. They don’t seem to know that all nature is living–like us. They don’t understand. How tragic. We are trying to teach them when they visit us, but that isn’t often. Besides this tragic spill, we need to teach our children. What do you think?

  6. Cynthai Burke

    Hi loved one…yes, I’ve been stunned and paralyzed…it will take a turn to sodialism to get control of our planet back into the hands of the people…most of which aren’t aware…yet know how quickly things can turn…and this certainly ought to make it obvious that business as usual isn’t working…after Wall Street!
    the facebllk link is great: thank you!!
    bless you, and I will get active…have been helping the little people around here, kitten season and all to the limit of my strength…95% finished with the non-profit procedures, though!! In the nick of time: need $$.

    Much much love, Cynthia.
    PS: MOther finally went into a nursing home…her being up all night did it…my sister is with her 95% of the days, and it’s going well.

    Hope al of your loved ones are fine.

    LOve, C.

  7. Paul Ross

    HI Marta

    I don’t think I could ever understand how much pain you are feeling… my heart really goes out to you!

    In my mind, what BP has (not) done is right up there with the atrocities committed in the last World War, and then some. New Zealand is so far removed from what is happening in the Gulf, it barely rates a mention in our prime-time news, which is really sad. The fallout from this (in)action indeed will have dire consequences for our world for decades to come, and not just sea life, but the whole food chain, including us! Especially the most densely populated northern hemisphere…

    I just hope there are scientists dreaming up new inventions and cures to fix this almighty mess as we speak… God help us if there aren’t.

    Take care, love and light to you!

  8. georje

    The Apocalypse that is happening in the gulf is a horror beyond horror. I am enraged to the point I feel like tieing a ball and chain around every Big Oil Ceo on earths neck and tossing them into the gulf. I think more people are completely freaked out by the gusher than you realize, and momentum is building. I’ve been following the stories about actions people are doing around the country in hometowns. Gulf Coast BPs saw a 30% drop in sales last week. There have been quite a few pickets at Bp and Arco gas stations around the country, a big flash mob at a NYC BP they even brought out riot cops., Code Pink went to Bp Houston headquarters, as did greenpeace to the BP london headquarters. Bp is so huge of a company and so interwoven with other companies it is taking awhile to invent effective actions to take down big oil. But the momentum is there. There is an action planned at the BP refinery in Indiana this week. I’ve made Boycott Bp and subsidiaries fliers and am plastering Humboldt County. Everyone I know is calling their reps. I email the whitehouse every day. Defenders of wildlife emailed me and said the moratorium on offshore drilling petition got 75,000 signatures in a week. There is a BP office in San Fransisco, maybe we should blockade those offices. The Bp refinery in washington state, had fines levied against it today for violating worker health and safety regulations. They neglegted to maintain and inspect SAFETY AND CHECK VALVES. That refinery needs blockading too.This company needs taking down. If one rapist corporation falls perhaps the others will take some notice. We definately need to pressure our gov. for the super tanker option. If you google Whitehouse fax # there is a non profit who will fax your message for free. I call the whitehouse everyday about ceasing the use of dispersants. Gulf oil Spill Truth on FB has some good petition sites and Protest BP on FB is where people are connecting to organize actions in their area. I might contact code pink about organizing something in the Bay area.
    We can talk to BP personally at these #s these guys are in charge and I will call them tommorow and insist on the Super Tanker method being tried.
    Douglas J Suttles
4810 Hollowvine Ln, BP EXEC
77494 Katy, Texas
(832) 437-2273
 Doug is Bp’s Chief engineer on the incident, this is his home phone. I phoned him and left a message.
    “British Petroleum representative Randy Prescott stated: ‘Louisiana isn’t the only place that has shrimp.’ Randy is an incident commander. Randy’s email — Randy.Prescott@bp.com
 Randy’s office phone number: 713-323-4093.”
    Horace Lamar Mckay top Bp CEO’s home phone# i phoned Horace too it felt rather empowering to be so bold.
    I have no clue if any of this makes a difference but we have to try.

  9. Holly

    Dear Marta,
    One of the things I am doing is volunteering with environmental groups who are working to get Comprehensive Clean Energy legislation passed through the senate right now. There is just a small amount of time to make this happen (a couple months at best). It is going to be difficult, but there may not be another chance. Despite the fact that our government is pretty much broken and corporate lobbyists dominate (and thus we have this horrific oil spill), right now we have to work with the very imperfect system we have and protect as much of the earth and her creatures as we can, as quickly as we can. In addition to making choices in our own lives that reduce our use of oil, we have to put A LOT of pressure on our legislators to pass Comprehensive Clean Energy Legislation. People can join the National Wildlife Federation, the Environmental Defense Fund, the Alliance for Climate Protection, 350.org, Environment America, Sierra Club and many other groups. We can support the amazing animal welfare groups that are going to yet another disaster. We can stop by our senators’ offices and make sure they know where we stand. None of us can be bystanders. The only way to deal with this grief (which, like you, I have been carrying around for a long time) is to fight back NOW. With love, with courage, with clarity and conviction.

  10. Jen

    I totally understand your frustration and the feeling of sickness about what is going on Marta! I had only heard suggestions about how toxic the Corexit is. I simply Do Not Understand the lack of action, the lack of willingess to let others help and the lack of true effort to get a real plan in place. I guess the people “in charge” are not going to rise to the call, so I agree, we must start to make big noise and demand action!!

  11. Kathy

    Hi Marta,

    I’m from Australia and we are just as concerned here about the lack of success with stopping this oil spill but the fact that BP are doing all they can to stop the truth from leaking out! Every person on this earth needs to realise the depth of this environmental holocaust.


  12. Dewie Mylin

    This is making me crazy. I saw a video of the blobs of oil underwater that confirmed my imagination: The stuff (corects it???!!!) they put in to disperse the oil and hide the murder of the sea people and their food and the destruction of their environment was done to protect property and profit. I know this will get into the gulf stream, and into the world’s water. After the seas are dead, how can the land’s people survive?

    A friend led me to a report (this is weeks ago now) that told of the only solution the soviet union came up with (in the 1960s) when they experienced runaway oil wells like this one. They collapsed the wells and shut them off with nuclear bombs. This report said that we (the us government) probably have non-nuclear expolsive capability now. Before a solution like this can happen now, the politicians in charge have to give up running for office, and take responsibility.

    There are many of us who feel the way you do. I am going now to join support circles. Thanks.

  13. Morgan Griffith

    I agree Marta, I think most people are just happy the oil isn’t getting on them and figure the Federal govt (the ones who allowed the drilling in the first place and who had no plan in place to mitigate the enormous effects of this oil spill) will fix it and then hand the entire bill to BP who will just write a check and pay for everything. Well what is happening does affect all of us and no one really thinks that BP is going to pay the bill on this do they? How can you even do a line item billing for the entire damage that this is causing? What is being destroyed can never have a price tag placed on it.

  14. Ruth Chausse

    I understand your posistion and frustration.
    At least as much as I can.
    In my heart and mind I feel that the
    best thing for me to do is visualize
    the spill being cleaned up. See the oil
    gone and the ocean and beaches free of oil.
    I try connecting with the animals that have
    passed to help them on their journey to the other side.


  15. Mary Nelson

    I agree with Morgan. Here I am again. I tried to talk to my adult children about this yesterday–and they believe all the lies that are told to them by the newspapers. I am not only sad but very angry over the way this is covered up and the millions of people who believe the lies. In today’s paper: “The leak may persist until August” OH NO!
    Also in the paper: “PB company CEO questions scientists’ claims of large oil plumes suspended underwater in the Gulf. The researchers said Sunday that they stand by their findings.” What is happening will affect all life. We must keep getting the word out about this tragedy.

  16. Mady

    Marta –
    I may be only sixteen years old, but I am also devastated by what this oil spill has brought to our World. It is really depressing (not to mention that I already live with severe depression already!), and I am at a loss as to what I should do. I am currently in the process of writing letters to my state’s paper, as well as others. I think that this needs to be taken care of NOW. They haven’t done a single thing since day one, and now it’s worse than ever imagined.
    I would like to know more about how this is involved with the Hopi Prophecies. If you could let us know a bit more about that, it’d be wonderful!

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