This looks really interesting. According to the site it was conceived and organized by an international group of physicists and mathematicians…. If true, how cool is that!!!! It starts on November 11 and goes for 11 days. One million people all working in unity to mentally collect new quantum waves and collapse them into a new reality. I LIKE IT! Here is the link. Tell your friends!
Useful Dog Tricks
Your Questions
Can animal communicators really tell the future? You say on your site this is theoretically possible. Sounds like fortune telling to me.
Answer – A lot of animal communicators don’t like to describe what we do as psychic ability, but I’m sorry, there is no way around this one. What we do is psychic, ESP, telepathy, remote viewing… it’s all intuitive connection. We can do this without seeing the animal and even with the spirit of an animal who is dead. We can see into the past of that animal, and we can sense the future possibilities for that animal as well. I feel the future is all about probability and can be completely shifted by applying the principles of quantum physics. Therefore, to me reading the future is just sensing the possibilities. The point would be to learn what to do to shift the future to be the way you want. And yes, I do that all the time for my clients, without even telling them that is what I am doing. I sense that if they carry on as they are with their animal something unpleasant will occur. Usually people call me because they sense this as well. So I provide ideas and tactics for shifting course. I have helped thousands of people shift to a better future for their animal. It’s one of the reasons I do what I do.
Do animals lie about their physical problems and try to hide them?
Answer – Animals tend to hide their physical problems as a way to keep predators from sensing their weakness. So it is important to pay attention to any slight change in your animal’s behavior, it could signal a serious physical issue. That said, I have not had any animal lie to me about this. They are willing to tell you what is wrong; they just don’t act sick until things get really bad. They may however, not know that something is wrong, or not feel bad, and you might not get the information from them if that is the case. That is why when I teach medical intuition I include a component where you go to the universal library and ask what you may have missed, or what may be hidden.
Gulf Update
I’m sorry, it’s just not good and it keeps getting worse. Why talk about it then? Because it is probably one of the most significant events in our history and we ignore it at our peril. It is international in scope. While the gulf stream hasn’t stopped, it is being affected. Species are being carried by the loop to uncommon locations. Interruption of the gulf stream can and will affect weather in Europe. There are now fish kills in Cuba and Mexico, but do you hear about it? Hearing about the 4 to 5 million people who may die in the Gulf? No I thought not. This is the biggest coverup since 9/11.
Here are the best sites for information that I have found:
Please tell people the gulf isn’t over. If you know how to do a cause on Facebook can you get in touch? I want to do a cause to get the truth out about the Gulf.
Virtual Practice
The Nov group is tomorrow. Sign up on my site. The Dec group is Dec 7. Hope to see you there.
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Very, very cool, Marta and thank you for spreading the word about this project! I’ve signed on and am letting everyone know about it! LOVE the “Useful Dog Tricks”. Haven’t laughed out loud like that in quite some time! Thank you!
Thank you also for the links about the Gulf. Our local newspaper published an article about the miles of dead coral on the ocean floor. Frankly, I was surprised it was printed, given the obvious lack of continuing coverage by the mainstream media . Keep up the great work and please know you’re not alone; there are lots of us out there, still talking about this horrific tragedy.
Très amusant la vidéo avec le chien.