A reader, Dianne, sent in this question:

You asked for topic suggestions, and I have one. It’s been my experience as someone who can communicate with animals, that animals seem unusually drawn to me. I’d be interested to learn if that happens to other animal communicators, and what their experiences have been with animals “recognizing” them.  (Today I was with my horse and found the rest of the herd staring a hole through me!)

 My Response:

 I have always found that animals are attracted to me too. People often tell me their animal never acts as friendly or calm or trusting as he or she is acting with me. I believe this happens because animals can tell what people are like and they know intuitively who has a good heart and who the true animal lovers are.  Has anyone else had this experience?


 Cute Picture

 cool cat 2


More About Mistoffellees

 This is an update about author Ann Walker’s cat Mr. Mistoffellees, or Stoffy, as she calls him.

A few months ago (March 31 blog) the story of my cat, Mr. Mistoffelees (known to his friends as Stoffy) was published on Marta’s blog. This told how he overheard two people at the Shelter where I found him discussing that he was to be put down. He didn’t use pretty words when he told me but said simply, ‘They were going to kill me.’ I had a chance some time afterwards to check this and found it was absolutely true and had I gone two days later he would not have been there. This made such an impression on me that I was determined to do more to let people know that animals DO understand so I got stuck into finishing the book on cats I had been toying with for months and am happy to say it is now printing and should be available by Sept. 1st. I called it The Power of Cat.




Also as part of the need to let people know how much animals understand I recently held a small workshop at my home on animal communication. Stoffy is usually sociable with visitors. On this occasion although he came into the room, he disappeared under the furniture and would not speak to anyone. This was so out of character for him that when we were alone that evening I asked him; ‘Why were you so grumpy? I wanted to know; ‘It was so unlike you.’ ‘I thought they had come to choose me.’ was the surprising answer. I assured him that now he lived with me no-one would come and take him away. I have had him for well over a year now, he is a truly wonderful cat, my greatest friend, my soul mate in fur, full of fun and affection and normally very out-going and sociable. Yet seeing a group of people brought back memories of the Shelter. This was another lesson for me and taught me that animals do not forget and though bad experiences may be forgotten they can resurface if some event triggers them off. It also highlights our need to be careful what we say in
front of animals.


Words That Should Be in the Dictionary

Arachnidiot (ar ak ni’ di ot) – n. A person, who, having wandered into an “invisible” spider web, begins gyrating and flailing about wildly.


This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Dianne

    At the ranch where I boarded my horse, there were about a hundred horses total. Walking by a pasture, a horse spotted me, came over to the fence and extended his leg and looked down at it…as if to say, “look at my foot!” in a very clear pantomime. I watched him and then saw that he wasn’t walking right. I told the barn manager, who dismissed it at first, but the next day I saw him up in one of the “sick bay” paddocks. He had started to founder, a dangerous situation. Because it was caught early, he was fine within the week. How’d he know to flag me down?

  2. Rebecca Trono

    I have had the same experiences with animals who seemed to “recognize” me as someone they could trust and/or communicate with. I have an Animal Reiki practice, and I believe animals fully sense the energy, but even before I began giving Reiki to animals, they would come to me, often without invitation. I have always counseled the animals at the shelter to look into people’s hearts to see who they could trust. I firmly believe they can, and they do!

  3. Gege

    I had to return to the Humane Society where I was united with my wonderful dog Moon so I could get copies of some records they had on him. He was very aware where we were and I assured him that we were only visiting, he wasn’t staying. He was excited to be back and enjoyed all the smells and sounds but I also sensed that he wanted me to continue to reassure him that we were JUST visiting. He had been very loved there. I did notice though when I went back soon after he came to live with me, so that we could do some basic training together and “bond” he became very anxious. After the evening classes (which he was very attentive and serious) he would be exhausted and go into a restless deep sleep.
    I decided not to continue the classes since he had been trained prior to our union, and he and I could bond on our own without the distraction of dogs and their companions who had other agendas. He didn’t feel safe. He was happy we didn’t return to the classes.
    I do notice that he really appreciates me talking to him and telling him what is going on. Recently my landlord has had painters painting the outside of the house. I requested that they come while I was on vacation from teaching so that Moon and I could be together and I could re-introduce him to the kind painters every morning. He still seems to bark at them when loud noises are made but the introductions are key. I also have seen him be very calm and attracted to some people more than others. I teach young children and I get the same reaction with them. They just know that I love children so they come up to me all the time. Like children, animals are pure of a lot of stuff that clouds their impressions of people and situations. He’s a wonderful dog and a blessing in my life.

  4. Christie

    I have a part-time cat sitting business, apart from my “day job”, and when I meet the people and cats for the first time, the cats invariably come over to me, or don’t hide. And the person says that this almost never happens, that the cat(s) always hide! Wow, they say, is that unusual! Well, I guess it’s unusual if the people they normally see don’t talk to them! I love talking to the cats and hearing what they have to say. It’s nice to be trusted so soon in the relationship!

  5. Jenny

    I have always had a wonderful relationship with animals and, like so many of the comments, have animals respond to me better than with their owners (I also have a part-time pet sitting business.) I thought my rapport with them was good, but it really changed after taking some animal communication classes and changing the way I looked at them. After I started respecting them as the intelligent beings they are and showing them that I wanted to deepen my experiences with them, I was amazed at how differently animals treated me. I had to look at my attitudes and change them. I believe they do know what is in your heart and will treat you accordingly. My respect for them has deepened and they reciprocate a hundred-fold. I am always learning.

  6. wendy

    I’ve always wondered why animals are attracted to me. This has always happened, all my life. Dogs, cats, birds have always shown up at my door (injured or not, or just anxious to come in, even if I don’t “know” them), and I remember walking through a stream as a teen and having small toads climbing all over me out of nowhere, which my accompanying friends found very odd. In the ocean, I’ve had fish and animals come near (I’m in CA and the water visibility’s poor)- I’ve been a bit concerned what may try to show up, although nothing seems to try to hurt me. When on vacation in the Bahamas some years ago, a friend and I waded out far from shore and all the fish came to me, touching, rubbing, never harming. I have no idea why. I’ve always loved animals, but so do other people. I don’t know why they seem to seek me out.

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